
My semester overall had a lot of ups and downs. It was tough for me to adjust to the contract grading and deadlines of assignments. This semester has taught me the importance of working with other students and making sure to stay on top of work. I learned to also, not to be afraid of getting feedback of others, especially when all they want to do is help you. I think I have improved on my discussion skills and writing throughout the entire semester.

Goal 1 (20%)

(9. A, B, C): I will be able to use multiple factors, evaluate solutions, and create problem statements with evidence to problem solve.

This image is from my SA #4 and it's about how Kew Gardens are reexamining plant collections. In this I state that MOBOT could follow in Kew Gardens footsteps by hiring more diverse staff and reevaluate the way they organize plants in the herbarium.

Goal 2 (20%)

(12. A, B, C): Explains the benefits of different viewpoints, which fosters collaboration. builds on the efforts of collaborators, encourages them to participate when they aren’t, and notices when someone isn’t contributing. autonomously contributes to and meets deadlines to achieve goals.

During class I collaborated with other classmates on our Necessary Knowledge document to get ideas about MOBOT, herbaria, and our wicked problem as a whole. I also worked with other students for our final project on the presentation. I learned that working with others helps create better solutions because you can get multiple different perspectives.

Goal 3 (20%)

8 C. I will develop clear and relevant responses with information to support my claims in discussions.  

During class one day, we had a visit from one of our MOBOT partners. While Robbie was discussing things about herbaria and our current wicked problem, I took notes on my laptop. After he left, I was prepared to discuss with the class what I had learned with notes to back me up.

Goal 4 (20%)

 13B. I will demonstrate mastery of the subjects I write about in assignments.  

In my writing for source analysis #3 I used a lot of direct quotes and information to back up my points for summary and analysis. By doing this I was able to make connections to our wicked problem with our MOBOT partners in hope we can use this information to come up with a solution.

Goal 5 (20%)

 (2. A, B): Systematically analyzes assumptions to develop logical plans to solve problems. Takes risks in approaches to learning to create new knowledge.  

Working as a group for the digital showcase, we as a team came up with possible solutions to the problem of lack of African American Knowledge in MOBOT. We were able to present our solutions affectively to our partners and other fellow CODES students so we can come up with a solution.