Student Name: Shelby Terrell

Grade Contracted For  __X__ A        ____ B            ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(20%) Based on (9. A, B, C): I will be able to use multiple factors, evaluate solutions, and create problem statements with evidence to problem solve.  Using the different strategies from our book to find solutions. Collaborating and discussing as a team in class to analyze the problem.In MC #1 I will state different solutions and possibilities for solving our problem at MOBOT.I will upload my MC #1 to my ePortfolio. I will revise my writing after receiving feedback.
(20%) Based on : (12. A, B, C): Explains the benefits of different viewpoints, which fosters collaboration.  builds on the efforts of collaborators, encourages them to participate when they aren’t, and notices when someone isn’t contributing.  autonomously contributes to and meets deadlines to achieve goals.      I will work on my skills as a collaborator in group activities. I will actively listen to make sure everyone is heard so we can get different perspectives when working on small projects.Documenting the different roles I take in activities and uploading them to my ePortfolio.Uploading notes from class Seeing me take on multiple roles in projects/assignments
(20%) Based on: 8 C. I will develop clear and relevant responses with information to support my claims in discussions.  Coming prepared to class by reading the assignments and taking notes so I can be able to participate in discussions.  Notes taken before and during class to show how I prepare for discussionsSeeing me speak out in discussions at least twice a class. When I speak in discussions I will refer to the text and my notes to state a clear point
(20%) Based on: 13B. I will demonstrate mastery of the subjects I write about in assignments.  Taking accurate notes for writings Referring to text when needed in reflections to demonstrate understanding  Turning in assignments before class Citing references Using appropriate language in essaysSource Analysis’s turned in on timeEach essay getting better and better with little to no mistakes
(20%) Based on : (2. A, B): Systematically analyzes assumptions to develop logical plans to solve problems. Takes risks in approaches to learning to create new knowledge.  Using our book as a resource that shows how to solve problems Taking information I learn from MOBOT and using it to help solve problemsTaking notes from MOBOT visits Taking notes in classMultimodal Composition #1 and #2