Template for a Class Portfolio


In this section of the portfolio, speak in broad strokes about the skills and content you’ve learned during the first half of the semester. What did you most enjoy? What did you struggle with? What goals do you think you’ve most excelled at meeting and what do you want to continue developing during the second half of the semester?

Goal 1 (20%)

 (4. A): I will be able to adjust and apply different worldviews, perspectives, and experiences to address global problems  

When gathering research for digital project #3 I conducted interviews with my group to get different perspectives on the Tower Grove neighborhood. These interviews showed me how the neighborhood has changed throughout the years and how it has affected its residents and business owners. We used this data for our project to make sure we were telling the full story of these owners.
Minority Owned Businesses in Tower Grove

Goal 2 (20%)

6B&A. I will display comprehension of others cultural beliefs, values, and experiences  while acknowledging my own personal biases.  

In this reflection I got to read about how people who are mixed identify with their blackness. It was nice to read about the different perspectives of what it means to be African American from other people who aren't 100% black. I put my own experience aside for a bit so I could be able to understand this article to its full extent. 

Goal 3 (20%)

 8 C. I will develop clear and relevant responses with information to support my claims in discussions.  

During class I was able to use this reflection to connect with my group on how we should conduct research for our project. Learning about redlinding and spatial justice helped give us a new perspective on the Tower Grove neighborhood.

Goal 4 (20%)

13B. I will demonstrate mastery of the subjects I write about in assignments.  

In my reflections I have shown that I can summarize and analyze different types of media to relate them to my MC's .

Goal 5 (20%)

11 A. Evaluates readings in an educated way while also applying the text to other contexts and issues.

In this reflection I connected spatial justice and the emergent strategy to MC #3.