CODE 320 Reflection 4

My products have very different audiences. First, the map we created probably has the most unique target audience in our research team, being parents. If I try and put myself into a parent’s shoes and think about what they might be looking for, the first thing that would come to mind is just the safety of my child. The information wouldn’t need to be too pretty, just informative for me to make a decision. If I’m looking at a map, I would also want something that is easy to interact with as well as one that isn’t too overhauled. Coming back to my own mind, I think that our product does well in these regards, however, I do think that there could be improvements. The one that I think about the most is changing the blurriness and color of points on the map. I almost feel like they’re too small, I’ll talk with Madison about it and see what she thinks about it.  

The other product I’m working on has a much broader audience. I’m trying to reach anyone who has an interest in digital storytelling, to the point where they would not need to know too much about it to understand and follow the guide. If I think about the product from someone in the audience’s perspective, I wouldn’t need something that is too appealing to look at. I would, however, need it to be cleanly organized and examples of each of the elements of digital storytelling. So far, this is what I’m aiming to do, and since it isn’t complete yet, I can’t make any final revisions. However, I can say that the document does undergo frequent edits to hopefully make the content easier to understand.