Template for a Class Portfolio


Throughout this semester, I’ve learned how to edit, identify an audience, and anaylze visual essays. I could say that I feel more confident in my ablity to comprehend items that i’ve never came across. With this, I was able to create processes for tackling assignements such as these.

Reflections are the assignemnts that I enjoy most becasue they allow me to be creative. It’s refreshing to have the ablity to write about the different techniques and features that authors add to their stories.

Digital Projects were the assigments that I struggled most with. It could be said I didn’t know where to start which often times led me to get stuck. Collaborating with mentors and friends allowed me to gain a better idea of the assignements.

I want to continue to develop my analytical skills. Meaning that I want to dive deeper when crictially thinking about problems and their factors. I think the assignments so far have started to introduce me to this concept.

(15%) Intercultural Knowledge and Competence

Based on 6. A. and B. I will illustrate a complex understanding of different cultural communities their elements. With that, I will be able to recognize bias and rules of my cultures outside of

Reflection #2; Digital Project #1

Reflection #2 and the Digital Project #1 are both assignments that have demonstrated my ablity to think critically about different cultural communities while assesing my own.

To complete this goal, i’ve gathered data from creditable sources to demonstrate other perspectives other than my own. Another example of this could be demonstrating a complex understanding of a community in relation to history, values politics, economy and beliefs. In reflection #2, I wrote about the conncetions society makes when adolescents get their first car. Also I’ve compared in-person connection to digital culture. I stated that “Connections in person are healthier since, they create shared experience and harbor a greater sense of empathy. Whereas online interactions can often cause miscommunication and build relationships that are superficial”. This statement alone demostrates the complex understanding behind our socitetal norms by comparsion.

In the Digital Project #1, I was tasked with reflecting on my own epereinces. Throughout the essay, I reflected on the impact that mental health had on my family. By writing this essays, allowed me to include details that were only specifc to families dealing with mental illnesses. More importantly, I feel that writing this illustrated my perspective regarding to the challeanges that familes with mental illness face.

(15%) Collaboration

Based on 12. A and C. I will demonstrate my ability to be collaborative by articulating the significance of my ideas while independently working.

Photo Essays

This assignment has allowed me to be apart of a community that I wasn’t too familar with from the beggining. With that, I was able to learn the resources that this community provides to students and staff. I found it that our pictures included in the photo essays demonstrated what an inviting community looks like.

(10%) Problem Solving

Based on 9. A.and B.: I will showcase my ability to build effective problem statements with clear evidence and accurately identify multiple solutions.

Reflection #3

In Reflection #3, I effectively evaluated 3 logical fallacies from a piece of mulitmedia journalism. I Identified the following fallacies begging the question, hasty generalization, and faulty causality to demonstrate how the author draws in his audience. It can be said that I included quotes from the story that were of him and the creditable sources he mentioned.

(40%) Ethical Reasoning

Based on 3. A. and B. I will successfully analyze the impact of ones’ corebelief while recognizes the connections among them.

Reflection #2 ;Digital Project #1

In Reflection #2, I effectiely indentifed the struggles while analzying the emotions that can be tied to the stakeholder. When wrtiting about the LGBTQ community, I explained how the authour uses the black and white flim to capture the mood of this story. With this, I was able to analyze how the words in captions support the pictures associated with the story.

In Digital Project #2, I demonstrated the impact of my dad’s mental illness. It can be said that I included personal accounts to show what I felt in order for my audeince to understand. I also added in pictures to help illustrate the relationship that my dad and I have always had.

(20%) Oral Communication

Based on 8. A. and B. I will become skillful at organizing my content effectivelywhile developingclear a message that supports my central ide

Digital Project #2

I succesfully excuted oral communication through Digital Project #2. It can be said that practice organization patterns and the utilization mechanisms are things I did to make my project sucessful. Creating the storyboard and script gave me a basis to complete the overall project.