Where are you from: Springfield, IL.
Your plans for your time at SIUE? One of my goals is to try to get out there more and stop being so close minded about new things or new opportunities that come my way. As well as letting little stuff get in my way of what I really need to be focused on.
Your career goals? Graduating college and entering law school to get my degree to pursue the love for my career.
Your expected graduation year: 2028
How you spend time or hobbies you have? One of my hobbies is working out. It almost forces me to focus on myself even if I don’t go in with that intent, it’s my form of self love.
Obstacles you have overcame. Having issues with my self-esteem when it came to little things as my body or how I acted or talked. I’ve grown to know that people will admire you for your true self and to not have a mental battle with myself over things I can’t control.