Category: Uncategorized
Source Analysis #5 Code 120
Multimodal Composition #1 Code 120
Hard water is caused by compounds of calcium and magnesium, and by a variety of other metals (Allen). You’re probably wondering where it is or where it tends to be mostly.. The most common place can be shower heads or at least where is most found in simply by people noticing changes in their hair…
Source Analysis #3 Code 120
Source Analysis #2 Code 120
Reflection #4 Code 121
When it comes to an audience and trying to figure out the persuasion you may need. You need to know the kind of topic you are talking about and put a lot of emotion into how you put your words. I’d say keeping audience hooked can be a good thing, when you’re knowledgeable enough on…
Reflection #3 Code 121
Tyauna Tomazzoli Code 121 Professor Despain October 7th,2024 Why so many children of immigrants rise to the top There is a lot of factors that can typically go into this topic. This topic is very biased and some people may put it on the spectrum of being ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ I tend to think there…
DP #2
Source Analysis #2 Code 120
Mainly in this passage is about the current state of situations. Simply how certain situations are handled. The direct drivers and indirect drivers and the system that are relevant to the problems. When classifying drivers for a system or scenario,the systems boundaries, components and approach should be looked into. For example, poor water quality. The…
Buddhism Tyauna Tomazzoli Codes 9/16/24 Buddhism.. You have probably heard about it in your class or have heard about it from people around you that practice this. I felt the same way, around 7 years old I began to hear about the word that started with a ‘B’ and I always questioned what it was…