Student Name _______Abril A. Guerrero______

Grade Contracted For  __x__ A         ____ B            ____ C

My experiences will be documented and upload to my E-profile with pictures of evidence And supporting details  How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(20%) I will pursue knowledge and go beyond my classroom education to learn outside school and experience different places and perspectives.  By exposing myself to explore outside the room and discover different knowledge skills from exposure to learningPictures Of my experience when visiting places or meeting people related to what I learned. Document my experienceMy notes will show ideas and information that I think is important. When I found Plans will break down the steps I did  
Notes will be writing with details and proper grammar Drafts will show by ideas of how I developed the plan and what I did at the end(20%) I will use my resources to provide supporting material to support my central message and give a clear idea.Links Notes Plan of the steps Research paper and notes use reliable information from the education web By planning with steps Research beyond the room
(30%) I will evaluate problem-solving using different approaches when identifying them and developing new problem-solving skills.Communication with different people to see perspectives Planning accordingly Developing solving plans with notes  Notes of the conversations with people Outlines Drafts pf plansNotes will be written with details and proper grammar. Drafts will show ideas of how I developed the plan and what I did at the end
(20%) I will participate with my peers and teachers, interact with my group, and never let anybody feel excluded or isolated. I will invite them to join the group or discuss developing new interactive skills to talk with my classmates.  Communicate and expose people to new conversation Recognize people in isolationpeer conversations notes a writingMy peer conversations will be writing with clarity and notes Experiences of my peers will also be writing    
(10%) I will use formal and educational communication, proper grammar with clarityExposing myself to negligible language Study grammar and fluency  Notes Copy of books lessons and conversations Recordings  Notes will show study skills I learned about grammar and speaking skillsRecordings will show the improvement and new speaking skills I learn and developed.