During the first half of the semester, we spent a lot of time working together to get our program with Alton Middle School up and running. I enjoyed the cooperation and teamwork that was displayed from us as we all brainstormed together and came up with solutions to potential problems. I struggled most with outside work and remembering to do it when needed which is something I plan to improve through out the rest of the semester. I think I excelled in goals 1 and 7 the most of all of them. I want to continue developing goal 12 by doing my work on time.
1.A (20%)
[Displays skills and commitment to work in a cooperative setting withith the community]
How did this assignment help you develop a new skill, push you to try something new? What might you do differently next time? Note that when you have a heavily weighted goal, you should include more than one artifact]
This assingnment shows the commitment and planning that is going into the program. We all worked together to create this schedule. Something that could’ve been done differently with this assigment is how we distrubuted the time for certain activites.
6.A (20%)
[Communicates and discerns one’s own cultural biases an responds accodingly to them.]
I will have artifacts for this goal once I am able to complete reflections.
7.B (30%)
[Seeks knowledge and educational experiences outside of the classroom]
This assignment was a positonality statement we did in my CIED class. This assignment allowed me look into what could be personal biases of mine. This is important to know so that I do not allow those biases to show up when working with the students.
11.A (15%)
[Studies the importance of academic articles to apply the reading to other problems or factors]
These articles were used to find information on the best practices and strategies for running an informal middle school program.
12. A&C (15%)
[Contributes to advancing collaboration by communication various ideas and viewpoints and also contributes by independently completing assignments given]
This is the survey I had to individually make.