What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop? How will you learn the content/develop the skill? What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills? 
15% 2C (Using multiple sources) I will read articles from the sources provided in class and do more research on my own outside of class I will add the different sites and sources that I have used to gain more information for the Multimodal Compositions We can assess how credible my sources have been throughout the semester 
25% 3A (Analyzing core beliefs) I will assess what my core beliefs are and how I would apply them to solving wicked problems I will add excerpts from my Source Analyses to show how I view the different attempts to solve wicked problems We can determine how good my understanding of other’s core beliefs is 
30% 3B (Understanding multilayered issues) I will analyze the different systems that wicked problems are involved in and what components play key roles in each system I will show pieces of my Multimodal Composition as evidence of my understanding on the complexity of wicked problems We can evaluate my knowledge on systems and their components 
10% 13C (Writing skillfully) I will learn from comments on prior writing assignments and improve my writing each time I will add a rough draft of an MC and right next to it, the final draft, showing my improvement We can evaluate how my MC’s and Source Analyses have improved over time 
20% 6A (Seeing through bias) I will learn to understand situations through another person’s POV I will add pieces from my Source Analyses to show my views on certain issues We can determine how well I have been able to assess solutions without bias