Based on 3C, I will be able to consider and apply various ethical concepts to questions and consider their full effect given the situation.

My goal with this outcome was to be able to analyze questions (like our various research questions) and identify what ethical concerns might surround our research. I was able to do that by breaking down the question and investigating parts of the question as I research before trying to put all of my ideas together. For example, after we designed and sent out our surveys, I made an idea map that broke down our research question and what I already knew about it. I made this to help understand the survey results when they came in, which didn’t turn out how the group had expected, but it continued to help aid my understanding and analyzations of our following focus group interviews.

Based on 5A, I will be able to define the scope of research questions effectively and select information cogently to express them.

My goal surrounding his outcome focused on creating clear research questions and investigating them using data and information that was the most relevant in order to keep the clear main idea of the research. It was also about understanding my research question in a way that I was able to break it down and find “subtopics” if you will and using that knowledge to investigate and find information to tie it all back to the main question. A good example of this would be (again) my idea map that breaks apart my research team question and how I used it to find information, which we can see demonstrated in the websites I used and saved to easily reference for research.

Based on 10C, I will be able to accurately support my arguments and draw logical conclusions using quantitative information. 

Although I do believe I have improved in this area, I don’t think I am the best I could be at it. Following us sending out our survey’s we only received one response which was not very easy to work with in terms of this goal. In my other work I think I could have done better in using quantitative information to support my ideas, but I naturally favor qualitative for some reason and did not do my best in holding myself to progress in this goal. However, I did read a really good article on this idea specifically and I think it was extremely useful in understanding how researchers are investigating how quantitative methods can fit into humanities/social justice frameworks, so for anyone that sees this and wants to read it can.

Based on 4C, I will be able to address complex and global problems using interdisciplinary perspectives by applying knowledge and skills to implement sophisticated, workable solutions. 

I feel like I had lost potential on this goal. The connections are definitely present between different fields and perspectives and they come up in other classes, but I haI began to journal my thoughts down about the connections I find and what they mean (at least how I interpret them), which has been a really useful practice because I can go back and revisit those ideas whenever I think they might contribute well to an assignment or if I want to expand on my ideas, but I need to work on making sure I am actually looking at them if they’re useful. I didn’t revisit any of the ideas or connections because I just didn’t hold myself to doing it.

Based on 11A, I will be able to evaluate a texts’ scholarly significance to apply readings to other contexts or issues. 

I love this goal and I chose it for both of my contracts this semester, but I also think I lost some potential on this goal too. I saw connections and would maybe mention them briefly but that was really the extent of it. I want to keep improving on this goal on my own next semester because I do think it can be really useful if I do the work to apply the connections in my work and actually take the time to expand on the ideas which I just didn’t do in CODE123 like I should’ve. I feel like my progress on this goal was definitely better in CODE122.