What concepts are you going to learn, or skills you are going develop?How will you learn the content/develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning/How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
Based on 8B, I will use relevant and compelling delivery techniques when communicating orally with others because this will help engage the people I am working with and aid my ability to get my point across. Explore different delivery techniques and approaches when speaking.  Analyze the audience and adjust vocabulary to said audience. Oral Presentations  Taking notes on different strategies and techniques I useMy presentations will be relevant to my audience My presentation will be well prepared  I will show confidence when speaking to an audience and be well prepared
Based on 9B, when evaluating possible solutions to problems, I will consider and evaluate different approaches and ideas when it comes to solving problems to find what best fits the specific situation. It is important to look at multiple approaches because all problems do not have a one size fits all solution. Practice close listening to other opinions  Apply other solutions that are different than mine to understand other perspectives. Focus on the solutions and not solely on the problem Essays Research  Outlines of plans   My essays and papers will be well written, and the problems and solutions used will be clearly defined  My outlines for writing will clearly show the process to applying different solutions 
Based on 13C, when putting my findings and ideas into writing, I will use language that is not only professional but can also be understood easily by my audience. This will help keep my audience engaged in my findings and reduce confusion, so everyone is on the same page. I will display a strong knowledge of my topic of writing.  I will use language that is fluent and can be easily understood.  Expanding my language/word choicesEssays with highlighted examples.  Reflection papers. Essays will be written in a professional manner Main ideas will be clear in my writing  Essays will be relevant to the audience 
Based on 1C, I will act as a leader when working with people in the community and our community who may not be in the loop as far as what we’re doing in class. This will not only develop my skills as a leader, but it will also give me the chance to really engage with those I am working with. Demonstrating my understanding of class topics by putting them into my own words and helping others who do not understand. Oral Presentations  Research Presentations will be engaging and relevant I will be well prepared and display confidence 
Based on 2B, I will take risks in my work and use them as learning experiences. Taking risks is not always going to work out. Personally, I do not see failure as a bad thing, I see it as a learning experience that can help me in all aspects of my life. Just because I failed once does not mean I am a failure. If anything, failure before success shows that I am not willing to give up and I will always be determined to find solutions to problems. Applying different problem-solving solutions. Listening to opposing or differing opinions and solutions.  Essays with highlighted examples Research papers.  Writing plans and outlines  Writing outlines will display the process of different trying problem/solutions  Essays will talk about different solutions and what worked and did not