Dear Dr. Hildebrandt, this semester it is my goal to earn an A in Code221. Below I have outlined how exactly I plan to do so and how I will demonstrate these abilities by finals.

1B. Connects and extend knowledge from academic study to civic engagement 

I will utilize knowledge I have gained in my academic pursuits to make relevant connections in civic engagement especially with our community partner. I will prove my understanding and ability to make these connections using evidence from assignments such as reflections, our implementation plan, and notes from garden visits. 

6B. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.

I will demonstrate a strong understanding of different aspects of cultures as well as, why these elements are important to a specific culture or group. I will be able to demonstrate my understanding using highlighted reading annotation, reflections, and different planning steps from the group’s implementation plan. 

7B. Pursues knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom

I will continue to educate myself and make connections to my research outside of the classroom and in other academic settings as well. I will be able to demonstrate this ability by reading annotations from this class as well as others that connect, discuss connections in my reflections, and be able to integrate useful knowledge I gain from other sources into the implementation plan. 

4C. Applies knowledge and skills to implement sophisticated, workable solutions to address complex global problems using interdisciplinary perspectives

I will be able to use my knowledge from in and out of this class to come up with effective to a problem. I will demonstrate my competency through reflections, the implementation plan, and notes from garden visits. 

9C. Implements solutions to address multiple contextual factors 

I will be able to come up with solutions that effectively target and address multiple parts of a problem. I will be able to prove my understanding and ability by providing evidence from reding annotations, garden visits, reflections, and implementation plan.