• I’m from Tampa, Florida
  • My plans at SIUE involve me joining multiple clubs one in particular being the Autonomous Robotics Club, Arc for short. I also plan on being involved with campus activities.
  • In the future, my biggest career goals i want to achieve is to start a successful business and create a STEM Academy that encourages students to act on their creativity and express themselves.
  • My expected graduation year from SIUE is 2027
  • I spend my time doing a lot of things, for example, I play sports, and games, read books, draw, watch TV, invent/thinker with things . One of my favorite things to do is to create things, whether it’s inventions or a book I’m writing I love to see my work come to life.
  • I faced not only physical but also mental obstacles while working on my magnetic levitation project. I encountered failure and had to prove others wrong, which led to burnout and putting the project on hold. I felt hopeless and unmotivated until I watched the Netflix show ‘Arcane’. There was this character named Jace who motivated and influenced me to finish my project.