The Beginning

These photos were taken at the ESPORTS Arena on the first day I got to Bluff. It was pretty cool experience, it was the first time I witness an incredible gaming space full of high end pc’s.

I remember this day like it was a few weeks ago when I finally placed into Calculus 1. It took me 3 attempts, the first try i got a 44, then i studied for a bit and got a 66 and then on the third try i got a 79 and u need a score of 75 to place into calc. I stayed up pretty late almost to 4 am taking this test, but it was worth it.

This was one the first photo i took of the engineering building which is basically my home and my go to place to study.

This was the 2nd week of fall semester and i was still trying to decorate my room.

This was taken during my CODES first visit to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. We got to tour the place and we learned a couple things about the history of the gardens and overall got a sense of what the Garden was.

These photos were taken during the Cougar game Jam, which was a pretty fun experience that left all of us tired and some more than others. I was apart of the art and design group and we basically had 36 hours to design a game and present it.

The End

So I practically don’t have any artifacts showcasing my growth or journey for the mid and final parts of my semester so i decided to write how what I felt during it.

My 1st Semester

Losing focus and losing sight of our goals is a common struggle that many of us face. In one moment, we have everything planned out and the next, we find ourselves feeling lost and aimless. I personally experienced this during my first semester, where I got distracted and lost sight of what I wanted to achieve. It left me feeling like I hadn’t accomplished anything meaningful.

From the very beginning, I had doubts about whether I had made the right choice in choosing this school. Regrets plagued my mind, making me question if I had made a mistake. However, amidst these regrets, I also had moments of enjoyment and valuable experiences. The first day of school was exciting, as I met new people and introduced myself to all my teachers. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and I felt optimistic about the future. But as time went on, I realized that my biggest downfall was my lack of time management.

Balancing my responsibilities and desires proved to be a challenging task. Instead of allocating enough time for my studies, I found myself getting caught up in the college experience and neglecting my coursework. This led to falling behind in all my classes, including challenging subjects like Calculus, Chemistry, Engineering, and CODES. Despite this setback, I didn’t feel concerned at the time. I was simply enjoying the freedom and opportunities that college had to offer.

The middle of the semester felt like a blur, passing by so quickly that I hardly remember what happened. I have few photos to document the events, further adding to the hazy memories. It was during Thanksgiving break, when I returned home to my family, that I regained a sense of urgency and purpose. Being surrounded by loved ones reminded me of why I had chosen to pursue higher education.

Upon returning to campus, I immediately set to work, determined to make up for lost time. I focused on completing my assignments and dedicated myself to my digital project for CODES. During this time, I made sure to follow the rubric and guidelines set by our team. It felt like an opportunity to redeem myself from my previous slacking in the class. I poured my efforts into my part of the presentation, doing the best I could with the skills I had developed.

However, the presentation itself didn’t go as planned. Despite having prepared a script and memorizing it, I blanked out when it was my turn to speak. It was a strange feeling, not one of nervousness, but rather a sudden loss of words and stumbling to remember what I had practiced. Despite this hiccup, I didn’t let it discourage me. I saw it as a learning experience and a chance to grow.

To further showcase our work, we participated in a digital showcase with our research teams at the Lovejoy Library and some members from Missouri Botanical Gardens attended. This event went relatively well, and I felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. It felt like crossing the finish line after a long and challenging race.

Looking back, my first semester was a mix of ups and downs. I faced distractions and regrets, but I also gained valuable experiences and learned important lessons. It served as a wake-up call to the importance of time management and staying focused on my goals. While I may not have accomplished everything I had initially set out to do, I now understand the need for balance and prioritization. As I move forward, I will strive to maintain my focus and achieve the meaningful goals I have set for myself.

Digital project 3

Digital project 3