
Grade Contracted For  ___X_ A        ____ B            ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(15%) Based on (2.B): [I will use critical and creative thinking to find solutions to different problems that may arise when working with my research team during the MBOT]  I will learn how to develop my critical thinking skills by consistently using them during our discussions and visits to the MBOTI will demonstrate my learning by adding my multi-modal compositions, reflections, source analysis 1-7, and pictures to my e-portfolio, showcasing evidence of my learning  We could assess my learning skills by analyzing the multi-modal projects I submit and go over what I need to improve to grow my skills.
(25%) Based on (7.A): During our group discussion on “Reparative justice” for the Missouri Botanical Gardens, I’ll actively engage with my teammates, showing intense interest and a deep understanding. Together, we’ll create a compelling solution and showcase our rich awareness.I will learn the content by studying, reading, and actively engaging in group discussions. This will help further develop my skills in communication.The evidence I will add to my portfolio to demonstrate my learning will be assignments that involve class discussion like source analysis or multi-modal projects to showcase that I understand the topic being addressed.We could assess my learning skills by setting a goal for me to achieve and analyze whether or not I demonstrate improvement in class discussions, source analysis, and multi-modal projects and how much information I contribute to the team.
(25%) Based on (8. b): [I will develop delivery techniques that involve me writing an essay or presenting a speech. ]  I will develop my skills by engaging in our weekly source analysis and our group discussions.I will add photos of my source analysis and work done on the board to showcase to my portfolio to demonstrate my learning.We can assess my learning skills by comparing the work I’ve done previously to the work I’ve done recently and analyze what changes I’ve made in my delivery techniques to assess my learning skills.
(25%) Based on (11. c): [My goal is to engage in dialogues about our readings for our source analysis. To achieve this, I’ll make sure to fully grasp the material and stay focused on the topics at hand by taking notes and asking/answering questions.]  I will develop my skills by reading the content before the class starts and also taking notes on it.In order to demonstrate my learning and enhance my portfolio, I will incorporate photographs of the notes I have taken both prior to and following each class session. This way, I can ensure that I capture any additional information shared by my peers that I may have missed.You could analyze my evidence by calling on me in class to participate in our group discussion and I can showcase my learning by actively engaging in the group discussion and answering the questions asked. I will also demonstrate evidence of improvement by editing/revising my source analysis.
(10%) Based on (13. b): [To showcase my mastery, I’ll create captivating content for my multi-modal projects 1-3 and source analysis, and carefully analyze and make necessary revisions.]  During our group discussions, I’ll focus on relevant information, ensuring a smooth and impactful piece that demonstrates my deep understanding.I will add my multi-modal projects to my portfolio to demonstrate my learning.We could assess the evidence of my learning skills by analyzing my multi-modal projects and checking to see if it align with our topic objectives.