Reflecting on my spatial analysis lab, I’ve noticed some interesting things about the layout around SIUE. While it’s convenient to have essentials like Walmart within a short drive, it can be tough for students without cars to access them. Biking or taking the bus is an option, but it takes longer and isn’t always reliable. This can be a challenge for those who rely on these modes of transportation.

Additionally, the perceived distance between locations on a map can be deceiving. For example, Chipotle might look close, but the actual drive can feel longer due to the layout of Edwardsville’s roads. This can impact students’ plans and decisions about how to get around, especially when they don’t have access to a car. On the flip side, having a car offers more freedom to explore and socialize off-campus. However, it also comes with costs and responsibilities that not all students can afford. And in inclement weather, walking or biking can be uncomfortable and even unsafe.

I believe improving the bus system could be a solution that benefits everyone. More routes and frequent service would make it easier for students to access amenities and get around without a car. Offering affordable or free bus passes could also help alleviate financial burdens for students. Ultimately, it’s about finding ways to make transportation options more accessible and equitable for all members of the SIUE community.