Template for a Class Portfolio
Hello! Its Justin! This is my Class Portfolio for my Code-120 Class! One thing I feel I have excelled at is learning how to communicate my words and coordinate projects and learning how to take the lead. One thing I feel I have struggled with so far is collecting evidence for my portfolio. But I truly hope i have done a good enough job to recive the effort grade I desire!
Goal 1 (30%)
Learning how to speak clearly
One way I feel I was able to learn how to speak was when I led my discussions in Source Analysis #2 and in regular in-class/Source Analysis discussions.
Another way I feel I learned how to speak clearly is through the way I plan group projects, such as the current project I am working on related to community gardens!
One last way I learned how to speak clearly is on the Heartlands Visit when I articulated my questions to the coordinators, and when I was thanking people for all the compliments I received for the flowers in my hair!
One way I feel I was able to speak clearly and concisely was my CODES Showcase presentation, I lessened my anxieties by telling myself that everyone was likely feeling as scared as I was, and that was why I felt somewhat at ease while presenting my project along with my group.
Goal 2 (10%)
Finding multiple solutions to a problem
One way I feel I am learning how to find solutions to a problem is through the aforementioned group project related to community gardens, where I took down all my group members’ research and formulated possible questions.
I feel that the way I achieved this goal is through my MC#2, I found the groundwork for what could become multiple solutions regarding the problem of Water Retention.
Goal 3 (20%)
Use Organizational patterns to display content
I feel I have been able to achieve this through the simple use of the MLA format, such as through the Multimodel Comp #1, separating the topic paragraphs into 3 categories, the Intro, Topic Paragraphs, and Conclusion.
This evidence can also be seen in my Community Garden MC#2, as all my group members separate our parts via color coding, which can be seen at our names at the top with our corresponding color.
Goal 4 (20%)
Using compelling and appropriate delivery techniques
I feel as though these can be shown that I achieved this goal through my Source Analysis and Multimodel Compositions, where I used my large vocab, which I feel has impressed my professor
Source Analysis 1
Source Analysis 2
Source Analysis 3
This evidence can be seen in the slides for my group’s MC#3, where the bullet points seem simple at first but we expanded on each of them when the time came.
Goal 5 (20%)
Constructing problem statements with evidence of relevant factors
One way I feel I have met this goal so far is through using a work cited and proper citations
Again, this could be seen in my sources that I place inside or at the end of my papers.