Student Name Justin

Grade Contracted For  __x__ A         ____ B            ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(30%) Based on 13-C: I will learn to speak clearly by using language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency  Try doing mini-conversation s with people Think before I speak Practice speeches beforehandA video of me presenting my projects Any group project that shows that I communicated with my group  Tracking my stutter during presentations Keeping eye contact to the audience and not wandering
(10%) Based on 9-B: I will gain the ability to identify multiple solutions to a problem  Take multiple perspectives on a problem Check if my source shows a certain biasPut little questions within the portfolio that don’t have just one solution Any notes regarding solutions  I can come up with multiple solutions to a given problem and recording my responses I jot down all possible solutions to a given problem and I show them to my professor
(20%) Based on 8-A: using clear organizational patterns and skillfully presenting content cohesivelyOrganizing all my notes/slides in  way that is understood by the audience and myselfColor-Coded slides that organize info in a way that can be easily perceived Possibly adding headings to my infoI will show my professor my prototype presentation and I will explain my process of separating the info  
(20%) Based on 8-B: I will be using compelling, appropriate delivery techniques to get my words acrossI will consistently be practicing my speaking voice I will practice in a smaller groupPresentations for when I am the lead speaker Digital ProjectsMy presentations will express my ability to speak clearly My speeches will be confident
(20%) Based on (learning goal from CODES): I will be constructing insightful problem statements with evidence of relevant factorsI will go deeper into a problem to see if it can apply to the problems today Look to the root of the problem and see what other facets it effectsEssays where I take real-world problems that are relevant and delve into them Presentations on real-world topics relating to problems that are currentMy essays will reflect that I understand what current causes are for this problem in question