My name is Kadynce and I’m a rising sophomore at SIU-Edwardsville pursuing a Bachelor’s in Biology-Medical Science. Plans for after my undergrad studies are to start medical school. One of my greatest strengths that has helped me feel confident in this journey is the support and love from all the new friendships I have made since becoming a cougar. College is not at all what I was expecting. Acclimating to a 360 lifestyle change has its highs that make you feel on top of the world, but also has the lows that make you rethink your entire college future and the question of, “Am I going into what I’m meant to?” At the start of my freshman year, I was not set on what I wanted to do with my future. Now, as a girl who has become fully dedicated to my major and the thought of knowing whatever is meant to be, is to be gives me the peace of mind needed to succeed.