Dear Dr. Hildebrandt,

In my first year at SIUE, I am aspiring for an A in Code 120. These are the ways I plan on showing you how I have deserved my grade.

4a.) Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems (20%).

Grasping the history and cultures of these Indigenous communities that were effected by westward colonization can be challenging considering most of history in America has been white-washed. As CODES scholars, it is critical to understand these peoples’ stories in order to help MOBOT with their wicked problem. For my e-portfolio, I will upload questions that I have about under-represented communities, in particular, those effected by botany and MOBOT like Indigenous communities whose pasts have been mostly erased.

5b.) Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources (25%).

When I was in high school, I was never a good example for taking time to find a good source. Typically, I would just fall into the “click on the first link” type because in high school, it never really mattered. I have found in college; good information is more valuable for research projects. Therefore, to find valuable information, I will look through multiple websites with varying biases, based on the topic being researched and will choose the website with the best structured opinion. I will show my progress on this by having good resources for my analyses in the future. For example, for SA# 4 and #5, I will I will insert the links that I had looked at to compare them and why I chose the final one that I did.

7a.) Explores a topic in depth, yielding a rich awareness and/ or little-known information indicating intense interest in the subject (10%).

I have always had a love for being nosey. This learning outcome is just that. I will be deep diving into a topic with little to no information that I have received. I will be receiving more intellectual information about topics, and I can even link this learning outcome with 5b because with the best sources, I can then use my skills that I have learned from 7a and look deeply into these websites to find the best information from these closely chosen sources. I will show my deep diving abilities by taking notes on the valuable information I have found. In my e-portfolio, I will upload either questions that I have been curious of asking and find other websites to attempt to answer my questions, or I will show my highlighted work from the pages. In my source analysis #3, I will be able to effectively show this.

11c.) Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers (20%).

Reading with a non-biased mindset can be quite the difficult task, however when reading the pieces we do in this course as well as codes 121, it is important to not have any prenotions or judgments about anyone or anything. In order to effectively complete this outcome, I will upload my source analyses on my e-portfolio in order to show my progress in reading different forms of texts.

13c.) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency (15%).

In the past, I haven’t written with much clarity, fluidity, or with much of a vocabulary. This learning outcome is definitely something I need to work on which is why I chose this outcome. My hope is that my writing will improve throughout the semester and I will have papers/essays that make sense to my reader, whoever that may be. In my e-portfolio I will put my MC’s in to show my progress in my writing throughout the semester.


Kadynce Sanders