I deeply enjoyed this class overall. I am a science lover though, which makes me different than most. I also loves to have a challenge in my beliefs in what science is or can be. The final project was very very time consuming, I mean very. The final product was something that I am very proud of. Britney’s groups project is one that I am so glad I was apart of, even if it was from a very far distance. The way their group wants to truly help the community starting with that one on one bond being built is something that I deeply admire about them. Since we only have one class left in CODES, I am very excited to see where everyone’s projects move and I can not wait to see these implementated into the Missouri Botanical Gardens.

1) Civic Engagement (15%).

My first piece of evidence is one of my scientist spotlights. This reflection is different from the others because the topic spoke on is one of relevance in our wicked problems. The second piece of evidence is our final group presentation. This presentation took a lot longer than what it should have, but I am happy with the overall look of it.

4) Global Learning (20%).

In these two reflections, I was challenged in learning about how I saw science, and had to open my eyes to see what science can really truly be. The topics these people talked about and the locations of where their studies were done spans across the globe. All of my insights and thoughts about these peoples’ work was shared on the reflections.

5) Information Literacy (30%).

My first piece of evidence is my annotated bibliography. In this annotated bibliography everything is cited. The second photo is the final annotated bibliography. Notice how everything is correctly cited, all fonts are the same, and also note the correct hanging indent on each citation. My last piece of evidence is my reflection #2. In this reflection, I made citations and also shared my in depth thoughts on the questions that were asked.

9) Problem-Solving Skills (10%).

This is my final score on my first exam after the extra credit was added. I did score above an 80% so therefore this outcome has been met. I have not yet taken my second exam, so that will not be added.

10) Quantitative Literacy (25%).

This is the proposed experiment section of my final paper. Below that is my grade on the paper. In my proposed experiment, I made the graph you can see on Excel comparing our independent and dependent variables. We used a quantitative percentage to propose what we think would happen with the presence of QR codes within and outside of the garden.