Dear Dr. Smith,

In my spring semester of my first year I am striving for an A in this course. By sticking and persevering in my learning outcomes I will show how I have deserved my A.

3c.) Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications (15%).

Understanding all parts of any question is something that needs working on my part. I have always loved keeping conversations going by asking questions that intrigue a deeper conversation. In my e-portfolio, I will be able to insert my questions that I have from reflections and readings in class.

5b.) Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources (15%).

This learning outcome was implemented in my codes 121 grading contract as well. I was able to persevere in this learning outcome last semester, so I am doing the exact same for this class with hopes of the same outcome. In my e-portfolio, I will showcase this learning outcome by my citations in my reflections. The use of an effective citation will be able to show that I have credible authors and credible information that I will add to my reflections.

10a.) Skillfully represents quantitative information (10%).

In showcasing multiple methods for gathering information from communities or the internet I will be able to show any numbers or graphs effectively in my assignments. I will show my understanding of this outcome by displaying graphs and numbers in the correct contexts within my range of methods being used. In my e-portfolio, I will highlight the graphs and numbers that I have used in reflections and projects.

12c.) Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines (40%).

Considering the change in the syllabus this semester, it is crucial to meet deadlines for all assignments. I will showcase this goal in my e-portfolio by sharing the timestamps for when turning my assignments in. I am making this learning outcome worth a big chunk of my grade to hold myself accountable.

13c.) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency (20%).

Writing with cohesiveness and fluidity has been a difficult task for me, so this outcome will push me to work on my word choices and also the flow of how my work reads. I will showcase this learning outcome by including my feedback from reflections, and the improvement that I have made throughout the semester.


Kadynce Sanders