Dear Dr. Hildebrandt,
In my second semester of research team I am striving for an A in the class. The following learning outcomes will correctly show just exactly how I plan to contract for this A.
1c.) Tailors communication strategies to effectively listen, express, and adapt to others to establish relationships both in person and online (10%).
There has been a shift in the course in the application of how information will be gathered from the community. Interviews, focus groups, and ethnographies will be conducted by our groups. My community in these situations will effectively show my progress throughout the semester and I will be able to work on forming relationships both in person and online. This skill will not only help me in the CODES program but will also help me better my active listening skills. In my e-portfolio, I will display this outcome by inserting notes taken from conversations that I have within the community in person and through email online.
3c.) Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications (15%).
This semester it is key to keep the presence of the community in the center of all conversations. Before conducting any interview within the community, I will write down all questions I have before the interview and I will also ask either a staff member for their input on my questions or will ask a member of the cohort for their opinion on the questions I am planning on asking within the community. In my e-portfolio, I will include the pre-interview conversations I’ve had with staff through e-mail or the written feedback I have received, and I will also include the questions I have come up with asking.
5b.) Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources (25%).
The research that must be done to find a solid resource has always been a time-consuming process for me. Throughout last semester and continuing the next semesters ahead I plan on building on the development I have already made on this learning outcome. In my e-portfolio, I will include all the links and screenshots of the websites I pick throughout my assignments.
12c.) Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines (30%).
Considering some of the changes that have been made to the syllabus it is extremely important to get all of my assignments done on time. I am making this learning outcome worth most of my grade to hold myself accountable for getting all of my assignments in on time or early. In my e-portfolio, I will show my accountability for myself by showing when I turn assignments in.
13c.) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency (20%).
This course is very writing-heavy, so to continue to improve my writing skills I have included this outcome. I hope to build on the skills I have formed so far. Within my e-portfolio, in my writing assignments, I will upload the feedback I receive to show my progress.
Sincerely, Kadynce Sanders