Kasey Tipton
Reflection #1
January 28, 2024
St. Louis Mercantile Library
The University of Missouri St. Louis Mercantile Library has a decent website that is very user friendly. They present their work through giving a description of their library. Also, they have different tabs on the sides in order for the viewer to navigate the website efficiently. Their mission is to help inform the public about Westward Expansion. The library was founded in 1846 by civic leaders and philanthropists. The library “…exists today as a vibrant, active community asset, celebrating its heritage while making great collections accessible to new scholars.” (UMSL Library). Most of the documents here are relating to the French, railroad buffs, and American waterways relating to our great river history. The library itself holds over 250,000 books and is one of the oldest libraries west of the Mississippi River. The library claims to offer many different things for many different people. It claims to represent “…the best of the old and the new…”. According to their website there are a few different aspects named for different people. For example, Herman T. Pott and John W. Barriger. This library offers people to become members in order to help support the library. On their website, they have an option to read an online blog about the archives. Even though, as we know, it may be better to look at archives in real life, the digital option can help viewers from around the world access these documents instead of having to travel. Overall this website is very informational about this library.