Grade Contracted For  ____ A ____ B ____ C  

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop? How will you learn the content/ develop the skill? What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills? 
(10%) Based on (learning goal from CODES): Collaboration: Helps collaboration move forward by articulating the merits of alternative ideas  I will make sure that I am contributing to a group by sharing out my own ideas I will keep a journal that contains examples of times I shared ideas in class discussions. The goal is met if my portfolio provides evidence of me sharing ideas in class discussions. 
(30%) Based on (learning goal from CODES): Information Literacy: Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources I will make sure to support my ideas with researched evidence from credible sources I will provide a citations page from Multimodal #1 View my portfolio and make sure all of my sources are accessible and credible. 
(20%) Based on (learning goal from CODES): Problem-Solving Skills: Implements solutions to address multiple contextual factors While working with people I will implement solutions to problems we encounter I will keep a journal that I use to write down how my group work goes and log details. I will provide a piece from that journal in my portfolio View over the provided piece from my journal and determine if I gave examples of implementing solutions 
(20%) Based on (learning goal from CODES): Written communication: Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose  When writing a piece, I will keep my language appropriate to the context, audience, and purpose Provide a piece of writing from Multimodal Composition #2 Look at the context of the the writing and determine if the paper stays on topic and flows appropriately. 
(20%) Based on (learning goal from CODES): Intercultural Knowledge and Competence: Articulates own cultural rules and biases and recognizes and responds to biases  I want to be able to recognize my own cultural rules and biases and be able to respond to them. Log about a time in class that I questioned a cultural norm and how I recognized and responded too it.  The goal is met if my portfolio contains a writing about a time I recognized my own cultural bias.