Below is the video link to my Digital Project #2

Below is Reflection #4

Keith Hawkins 

Dr. Despain 

CODES 121 

28 September 2024 

Reflection #4: Audience Analysis 

Audience is a key factor to think about when informing about anything. Your audience determines how you will speak and the content of your piece. My intended audience for my Digital Project will be nativist who are against immigration to the United States.  

Generally, Nativists’ main argument for being anti-immigration is the idea that the United States needs to prioritize the native citizens of the country over people who migrate to the United States from other countries. They believe that providing resources to help immigrants takes away from what can be used for citizens who are from the U.S. who are more deserving in their ideology. 

To appeal to my audience, I need to speak in a way that doesn’t undermine their beliefs, but nicely persuades them to change their views. From what I’ve seen, people can have intensely strong beliefs on anti-immigration. A lot of times harmful stereotypes are used to support the anti-immigration agenda. In some instances, intimidation is used to push immigrants from occupying spaces in this country. Even powerful politicians like Donald Trump support and spread negative stereotypes and propaganda about immigrants. While discussing Haitian immigrants in Ohio during a nationally televised debate against Kamala Harris, Trump stated the baseless claim of, “They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats.” Trump has a lot of loyal supporters who believe anything he says, so this is harmful to immigrants in the United States. 

A good way to appeal to the Nativist mindset could be to show them how immigration could open jobs for themselves and other native-born Americans. If I can counter a big argument for anti-immigration like overemployment, it can be a turning point in the minds of some nativists. 

My audience for Digital Project #2 will be nativists who are very anti-immigration, so I need to keep everything above in mind when presenting my article and evidence. 

Work Cited 

Arkin, Daniel, and David Ingram. “Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants ‘eating the pets.’” NBC News, 10 September 2024, Accessed 27 September 2024.