Dear Dr. Hildebrandt,
In order to achieve an A in this course here are the goals I’ve set for myself and how I’ll show my progress towards them.
13: written communication 30%
I want to work on my writing and understanding the reading we read during class. In order to show this work, I will make rough drafts for my MC#2. And making outlines for those MC’s as well. I will also show my writing progression with our source analysis in class.
5a: Defines the scope of research questions effectively and selects information cogently to address them. 10%
I want to get better at researching topics. By doing that I will make outlines of questions for the research topics. Take lots of notes and annotating. Show my work in my MC’s as well. Using resources around me such as google and the library even. I will show this by posting in my EPortfolio the evidence of researching and pictures.
8: oral Communication 10%
working on my public speaking and my written fluency. Providing clarity in my words without stuttering, and a flow within the way I present. I will show these by presenting slideshows, our MC’s and source analysis’. and the way i prepare for those things as well.
3a. Identifies and analyzes their core beliefs and reflects upon their origin. 20%
As we explore what some of these plants mean. We can study them and see how some of those plants at the botanical gardens influence the communities around us. using the library and even google. i will show this by posting my pictures and notes on my EPortfolio.
2b. Takes risks in assignments and in approaches to learning to create new knowledge. 10%
I’ve always been a quiet Ish type of person and not one for taking risks. But with working in groups i would like to get out of my comfort zone and start taking risks. In my eyes taking risks is almost like getting out of my comfort zone to explore new opportunities of learning. Whether that’s by reaching out to people or spending hours researching a topic outside of class
-Sincerely Kyra