Dear Dr. Hildebrandt,
In my last semester of research team, I want to achieve an A in this course. Here are the goals I’ve set for myself and how I’ll show my progress towards them.
1a: Demonstrates ability and commitment to collaboratively work across and within community contexts and structures (25%).
As we know the importance of the garden partners role and their involvement is critical to addressing our wicked problem. Though we already know our wicked problem doesn’t mean we stop having involvement with the Garden partners. I plan on showing this goal by having specific collaborative goals, such as improving communication- last semester I feel like us students were a little distant from the garden partners, sharing resources, or co-developing solutions (implementation plans). With that I would also like to use methods to engage with the Garden partners and the community around the gardens. This could include regular meetings, joint workshops, focus groups, or community surveys.
2: Critical & Creative Thinking (25%)
I chose this outcome because critical and creative thinking is detrimental to thinking of plans and implementing those plans. We just read an article called “A Short Guide to Community Based Participatory Action Research”, and in this article it gives you a general idea on how to go about planning and processing this research. I plan on showing this goal through using a template from that article and use it as an outline for our implementation plan. And also, going through and answering questions within that article.
4c: Applies knowledge and skills to implement sophisticated, workable solutions to address complex global problems using interdisciplinary perspectives (25%).
So, obviously this semester is creating an implementation plan for the gardens. Not only creating an implementation plan but also making our plan usable and accessible to every sort of age group and different sect’s people, using ethical and diverse thinking. ” Interdisciplinary perspectives“; this is referring to the merging of two or more academic disciplines for one purpose or activity. Everyone’s opinion and ideas need to be heard and appreciated. I plan on showing this goal through showing our process on how we deducted our main ideas into one for our implementation plan. I will show pictures of our work that we do with the garden in preparation to our final desired plan.
13: written communication (25%)
Though this semester will be more implementation within the garden, I still want to focus some of my time on my writing and understanding the articles we will be reviewing. In order to show this work, I will perform proficient in at least 4 of the 6 reflections that we have in class, and if I get a competent than I will redo them and get a better grade on them. I will also how this by making write ups of me and my teams implementation plans. And have a sort of outline of what we are looking to do and our readings behind that.
12a: Helps collaboration move forward by articulating the merits of alternative ideas (25%).
I chose this goal because collaboration is super important in everyday life, especially being in the CODES program. Last year my communication and collaboration weren’t the best, I tend to be quiet and not to voice my opinion. I plan on showing this goal by showing how we are communicating about our work that we are doing outside of class time. I will also show this by using our shared doc of ideas that we have.