Week 4 Reflection: Tending Sweetgrass Name: Kyra Williams 9/15/2024
- What is your favorite quote from this section of Tending Sweetgrass (include pg. number for quote) and why is this so memorable to you (100 word minimum).
My favorite quote from this chapter comes from the first section which is the one section that I got picked to talk about in class on Tuesday. The quote says, “When we give our gifts in service to others, we discover that there is always enough.” This quote highlights the concept of generosity and how contributing to the well-being of others can create abundance and a sense of satisfaction. That gift can look like anything not just specifically physical gifts but maybe even time or other non-tangible things.
2. Kimmerer discusses maple sap and how much is required to make just a little syrup and how much labor is involved not only for the people collecting and making it, but for the trees themselves to produce the sap. Think of an activity in your life that represents an amount of time that is unusually abbreviated. What shortcuts/conveniences do you rely on to live your daily life as you do? What would happen to your schedule if you could not count on these conveniences? (200 word minimum)
The first thing that comes to mind is studying. Studying takes lots of time and commitment, but there could be some shortcuts that you could take. You need a lot of self-discipline and () to study. We all know the end goal of studying is to pass a test or do very well on a test. For my major I need to study constantly so my brain can retain the information that I need in order to do well on exams. One short cut you could take in studying would be instead of creating your own flashcards and writing them out, you could just find a flashcard set premade on Quizlet and just use that. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is scientifically proven that writing your notes and flashcards out will help you retain more information. In the long run you may be wasting your time by taking shortcuts in studying, and most likely will do poorly on the exams in contrast to someone who uses their own flashcards.
3. Kimmerer describes how Haudenosaunee children attending a school near her home recite a Thanksgiving Address every day. Imagine a public-school day in a typical public school in your area. (200 word minimum for combined response below)
a. What might it be like if the children followed a practice similar to the one Kimmerer describes in the school that the Haudenosaunee children attend? Is this a realistic suggestion? Why or why not?
b. Compare this to other common schoolroom practices, like reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance.” In what ways might this be similar? In what ways different?
c. What does this bring up for you about the changes you are willing to work for in order to live in the type of culture in which you hope to live?
A- I personally think that if children in a typical public school (grades K-8th) were to follow a practice like the Thanksgiving Address described by Kimmerer. It would involve starting each school day with a moment of gratitude and acknowledgment of the natural world, sort of like the pledge of allegiance. Though there would be some struggles; It would involve engaging with various stakeholders, including educators, parents, and possibly indigenous communities, to develop a respectful and meaningful approach. Though it would probably be challenging I think it would be beneficial for the kids to learn how to be more grateful.
B- The Thanksgiving Adress and the pledge of allegiance have some similarities. The thanksgiving Adress was basically a pledge to everything and everyone that you are thankful for. She goes to explain the list was long, which is good to be thankful for that many things. The pledge of allegiance serves as a daily affirmation and so does the Thanksgiving Adress.
C- This triggers my mind in the sense that life is so short and us as Americans can get get so caught up in things that aren’t even important. So, this challenges me into being more mindful and grateful.