
During my first semester of CODES 120, I’ve learned many skills that have helped me achieve not only goals for this classroom but lifelong goals that’ll help me become a successful young woman. In this section of the portfolio, I will talking about Information literacy, critical and creative thinking, problem solving, skills for lifelong learning, and written communication. I will be talking about these skills and what I’ve learned this first half of the semester and what I enjoyed the most about it. Which will be communicating with peers in my class and discussing different ways to solve problems which will help develop critical and creative thinking skills among myself and others.

5. Information Literacy (10%)

a.) Accessing information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources.

My goal for this outcome is to be able to use better note-taking strategies and take the time to seek the right information that will be best for my paper and learn how to conduct and define an analysis. My Multimodal Composition #1 connects with what we discovered during our Heartlands and JJK visits. I address the six general characteristics of wicked problems and how the visits fits into those six characteristics through further research, class discussions and the questions we came up with together using Miroboard about our visits. I also included sources like pictures that related to my topic. After doing my Multimodal Composition #1 this assignment helped me develop many skills like doing research and finding sources that’ll help me finish an assignment, this pushed me to discover what sources that’ll be related to my assignment and best fit. Some things I can do differently next time for my Multimodal Composition #2 is ask questions, use resources around me like the library or websites that those visits provided to give information on how they do things that may be applied to the Multimodal Composition #2.

2. Critical and Creative Thinking (20%)

b.) take risks in approaches to learning to create new knowledge

I chose this goal to work on my critical and creative thinking skills and taking risks in find different approaches to learning to create new knowledge. In this class, we do weekly source analysis that helps me with this goal. This assignment helped me develop this new skill by accomplishing my papers on my own and coming together in class and discussing the summary, context, and the analysis of the paper. Doing critical and creative thinking and taking risks while doing this to create new knowledge helps me enhance my learning skills and helps me accomplish my assignments which will further help me reach my goal.

9. Problem Solving (25%)

a.) identifies and evaluates multiple approaches for solving problems

I chose this goal to work on my problem solving skills and evaluate multiple approaches for solving problems and with working in groups for projects this goal will be very helpful. In class sometimes we break off into small groups to discuss problems like Water Infrastructure for example. As we discuss things about this problem, this helps us all develop communication skills and collaborative skills which helps us all develop problem solving skills. This pushed me to try something new talking to different people in CODES with more or less knowledge to help me better understand and solve problems and to also work with people in different diversities.

7. Skills for lifelong learning (25%)

a.) pursue knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom

Based on this outcome, I wanted to simply concentrate on developing skills for lifelong learning, not just in class but also beyond the classroom. After doing a source analysis based on the movie “Flint”, the wicked problem of this movie was the contaminated water that was harming people around the community. I took the importance and wicked problem of this movie and used it in real life situations, like building trust among each other, and in networks trust powers innovation.

13. Written Communication (20%)

b.) uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency

I chose the goal written Communication which uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency to help me seek feedback to help me get different perspectives on my writing habits to become a better writer. This will help me with writing my reflections in the future just so I’ll be able to reflect more on myself and be able to provide more detail.