Dear Dr. Martinez, 

In Codes 120 I will strive to receive an A in this class. In order to achieve this, here as some goals that I have set for myself.  

5a.) Information literacy is accessing information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources. 10% 

In my previous years of going to school and writing research papers or just papers in general, Iโ€™ve always struggled to go through websites and read through them to see if it will be good information for me to use. The problem is me taking the time to process what Iโ€™m reading and taking notes about if the information would be useful. So, for my future Multimodal Composition assignment in codes, I will use better note-taking strategies and take the time to seek the right information that will be best for my paper and learn how to conduct and define an analysis. This also could help me in the CODES program as I work with my peers on more group research assignments.  

2b.) Critical and creative thinking take risks in approaches to learning to create new knowledge. 20% 

When itโ€™s time for me to start creatively thinking and thinking critically, I start to think about the topic for too long to the point where my mind goes blank. If I am writing a paper and find myself getting stuck, to get myself out of this bubble I will use strategies like writing ideas down on a piece of paper, use Miro board and start brainstorming, ask questions to others that may have more knowledge about the specific topic etc. Using this strategy will not only help me accomplish my paper but it will also give me a chance to improve my critical thinking skills by finding different ways to think smarter about a situation and not harder. And it will help me in my codes research class when leading the source analysis discussions. This will give me an opportunity to talk with my peers and hear different comments about the source weโ€™re talking about and hearing these comments and ideas will enhance my thinking skills and help me see things from a different perspective.  

9a.) Problem solving identifies and evaluates multiple approaches for solving problems. 25% 

Personally, I struggle with figuring out how to identify and evaluate multiple ways to solve problems. I think being in the CODES program and working with many different people, in many diversities who may have a better understanding of this or may be on the same level as me, could help me better at figuring out how to identify and evaluate problems in multiple different ways. I could use this in my research class when have having class discussions on water infrastructure problems by getting each other’s opinions on things and see different ways to solve these problems, if weโ€™re able to, and figuring out what outcomes would be best fit for our situation. And as I use this further in life, it could help me with many other situations that I may encounter. 

7a.) Skills for lifelong learning pursue knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom. 25% 

As I step into learning more in college and connecting with other like-minded people, I strive to find different ways and skills that may apply to me in the future. And what I mean by this is that the knowledge that I learn every day, I know that there will be a greater outcome once I apply these skills towards my life. When doing my digital project assignments, I can use the knowledge and the educational experiences of script writing, storyboarding, shooting videos, editing etc. to better not only myself but my chances of getting possible jobs or just communicating with people that may help me just make connections down the line in my future possibly. 

13a.) Written communication uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency. 20% 

Personally, Iโ€™m not an individual that is highly skilled and able to communicate with clarity and fluency. Even though I try daily sometimes it can be a problem but by fixing this problem not only internally but externally I can seek feedback to help me get different perspectives on my writing habits to become a better writer. This will help me with writing my reflections in the future just so I’ll be able to reflect more on myself and be able to provide more detail.  


Laylah Leech