Sheryr Sonia

CODE 121

Dr. DeSpain

29 October 2024

Reflection 6

This reading exhibits a storyline that, compared to the other readings we have written reflections on, has been to persuade, inform, or entertain. This reading is sending a message through an actual storyline. It took me some time to understand and comprehend each page’s message. I had to reread multiple pages to ensure I fully understood the concept. There were a few things I annotated that stood out to me while I was reading. 

At the bottom of page 71 leading into page 72. “Robbins and Brown were instructed to establish the “initial point” for the era to come- a reference site around which all subsequent surveys across the territories could be arranged.” In this sentence, the phrase initial point refers to how Robbins and Brown have to arrange how they set the scene for everyone else. Considering the situation, such as the origin on a coordinate plane in an algebraic graph, This origin, this starting point, has to be so specific and precise because this is what sets the tone and sets the scene for everyone else and the future history of the wilderness.