Sem 1:During the creation of this portfolio it feels like I have learned a lot. In such a short time of being in college. I think so far what I have most enjoyed was getting to do fun things with my fellow classmates. I have struggled with fully understanding this program, but it is a learning process and I have only been in college for 2 months. So far I think I have excelled in meeting is reading texts to get a better idea on what I need to know. I want to continue learning how to properly do what is required of me as I am unsure what I need to do. But I am figuring it out and learning along the way.
Sem 1 prt 2: I think I learned a bit more about what I’m supposed to be doing. What I most enjoyed was having the opportunity to interact more with the people I am going to be spending a lot of time with. As we are now at the end of this semester I am getting better at understanding it, but am still struggling with what I am supposed to do. I think I excelled in getting my work done on time, and making sure it is the best it can be. I want to continue in learning more about this project, to see how far we an go with it.
Goal 1 (20%)
12c. Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines.
This essay, demonstrate my learning by showing how I can identify the 6 wicked problems of our topic. This helped me figure out how to write an essay with what felt like multiple prompts. So it helped me problem solve when it came to my confusion. I don’t think I’ll do this any differently as I was quite successful in figuring this out.
This essay, demonstrates my independent working and my ability to turn things in on time. This assignment allowed me to learn more about our problem, and assess the people who are involved in the garden as a whole. So I was able to learn more on what I needed to know to help come up with a solution. Currently I think I am doing ok, though I think I need to do more read throughs. Just to make sure I am not really repetitive like I was in this essay.
Goal 2 (20%)
13 b) Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.
These show my learning by presenting my ability to properly analyze a source. As some sources are hard to analyze and even find at times. This help me develop the skill of being able to successfully find and analyze sources. I might take more time looking for sources to see if I can find better ones as I go.
This SA, shows my ability to properly understand videos and write about them. As there were 5 videos that told the historical relevance of the arboretum. This helped me develop the skill to make short summaries of videos. So I can put what I think is important in just a few sentences. instead of what looks like an entire essay for a short 6 minute video. I might look for similar videos for future source analysis’.
Goal 3 (20%)
11b. Identifies texts within and across genres, monitoring and adjusting reading strategies based on their nuances.
This demonstrates my learning by being able to share my findings with my classmates. It helped me to learn the skill of finding resources, this pushed me to do something new by sharing it with other people instead of just me having the info. I might try to find more sources just to make sure I am able to help others to the best of my ability.
This source for this SA, demonstrates how I can write analysis on different sources. As this source was a good way for me to learn a little more about botany. Since research groups were split into 2, it helped me transition a into learning about something different about our problem. I might do more source analysis’ on botany just to learn more about plants and how they impacted people’s lives.
Goal 4 (20%)
8b. Uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques.
Currently I have yet to properly present anything in class. So I the only way I can show my learning is by continuing to succeed in this class. The skill I learned is to see how much I need to learn and do for this goal. I might try taking screenshots of things so I can have something to show for this goal.
This presentation, shows my writing abilities to present in front of people. I think my wording was appropriate for this assignment. The skill I learned was the ability to present with others. This pushed me to work with other people to create a cohesive presentation. next time I might try acquiring more sources to make an even better presentation next time.
Goal 5 (20%)
2b. Takes risks in assignments and in approaches to learning to create new knowledge.
This demonstrates my learning by showing how I branched out to analyze videos. As this wasn’t the easiest as this videos transcript wasn’t easy to navigate. I learned the skill of using more resources than just articles for source analysis. This pushed me to use different types of sources instead of sticking to what I am comfortable with. I might look more into the video and the transcript to see if I can make a better analysis.
This assignment, yes I know I used the same assignment twice. But this shows my ability to use videos instead of just text. I learned that videos can also be a useful source to analyze. This allowed me to use more of a source type that isn’t easy to use. I also got to go off of the first entry to this goal and go more into videos for source analysis. I might continue using videos as a source because there is so much information that you can get from them.