A work | B Work | C Work |
-Misses one class or less, or completes make-up work for excused absences -Annotates all readings thoroughly -Makes substantive comments in discussions -Completes all assignments on time (or has an approved extension request) -Work demonstrates intellectual engagement, care, effort, and growth in response to feedback -Collaborates substantially, contributes to vision, works equally with peers | -Misses two classes or less, or completes make-up work for excused absences -Annotates readings -Often participates in discussion -Completes all major assignments on time (or has an approved extension request) -Completes most SAs on time -Work demonstrates care, effort and growth in response to feedback -Collaborates equally, completes required work | -Misses three classes or less, or completes make-up work for excused absences -Completes most readings -Sometimes adds to discussion -Completes all major assignments on time (or has an approved extension request) -Completes at least four SAs -Meets minimal expectations on assignments; shows limited growth in response to feedback -Completes required collaborative work |
First-Week Introduction
The reasoning for the 5 goals that I chose were based either things I need to work on, or things that will show the progression of the project from my side of things. For example: I have had some communication issues with people on my team and still have some remaining issues that are slowly being resolved. The thing I am most excited for is finishing and launching our project, as we have had the build up for almost 2 years might as well haev excitement for it to be done. The videos are likely going to be the most challengeing as we need to have a lot of information in a short 5ish minute video. I guess some strategies are just not to procrastinate as this project there is no time for that and it will only cause setbacks.
Midterm Introduction
TBD [Speak about the skills and content you’ve learned during the first half of the semester. What did you most enjoy? What did you struggle with? What goals do you think you’ve most excelled at meeting and what do you want to continue developing during the second half of the semester? What goals haven’t you yet met, and how will you make them a priority in the second half of class?]
Final Introduction
TBD[Now that the semester is over, use your introduction to reflect in-depth on your process. How well did you meet the goals you set out to meet? What did you learn that surprised you? Focusing on your goals for this class, what do you want to remember to take with you into your future courses? What strategies can you use to continue developing toward these goals?]
Course Goals
Goal 1 (20%)
12 b. work with my groupmates and recognize their collaberation along with making sure that everyone is working on what they agreed to and paying attention to how everyone treats each other.Facilitates collaborators’ contributions by building upon their contributions and noticing when someone is not participating and inviting them to engage.
What will you do to learn the content/ develop the skill? | What examples will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | What characteristics of the chosen examples demonstrate you have met your goal? |
better communication between me and my groupmates and attempt to keep that communication over the continuation of our project. | by providing proof of our commuication along with the progress of out project. | Success would look like communication between everyone in the group and the project being finished successfully. |
Goal 2 (20%)
1b. Connect my previous knowledge from what I’ve learned in class to what I have and will learn from my project and the garden.
What will you do to learn the content/ develop the skill? | What examples will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | What characteristics of the chosen examples demonstrate you have met your goal? |
I will learn from the books in class and the people in the garden and apply it to my project. | I will compare the sources of what I have previously learned from and will learn along with the information that is aquired from the garden adn show how it is implemented into what we create. (ex videos and learning modules for our scavenger hunt) | Success would look like the collection of the knowledge that we have and will learn to make the best final project that we can for the garden. |
Goal 3 (20%)
5c. Integrate research in a responsible manor and show understanding in full of all possible problems and restrictions for the use of our information.
What will you do to learn the content/ develop the skill? | What examples will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | What characteristics of the chosen examples demonstrate you have met your goal? |
By giving credit along with knowing everything we need to, to fully integrate our project into the garden with no issues on the legal or ethical end. | By showing that we gave credit where it’s needed along with presenting the information likely aquired from the garden to ensure we are following the rules that are given to have little to no problem with the final project. | Success would look like a full and successful project along with everyone credited and all rules followed so the launch goes without any issues arising. |
Goal 4 (20%)
9c. Finds solutions for possible problems and identify the reason behind those problems
What will you do to learn the content/ develop the skill? | What examples will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | What characteristics of the chosen examples demonstrate you have met your goal? |
By problem solving anything that might go wrong as there is never a project without issue and a need to get around said issue. | by presenting everything that happened during the creation and launch of our project along with the finish videos and modules and what we did to successfully create and finish them.(possibly some unused footage from filming) | Success would look like our finished project with little to no issues hapening during the creation ( because even if we hope for no issues they are likely to happen) |
Goal 5 (20%)
12c. Work on things by myself to work towards the goals that are set in place to met the deadlines for our project
What will you do to learn the content/ develop the skill? | What examples will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | What characteristics of the chosen examples demonstrate you have met your goal? |
I will apply myself by meeting the deadlines while also doing quality work for this project. | I will provide my progress on the solo work that I will have when working on the video editing and production. Along with the finished videos to present my progress for our project. | Success would be me finishing the videos and them being accepted by the garden so we can implement them into our full project. |