Month: October 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

Source Analysis 1

Information and facts in the reading  first half 63-81



  • Daniel Velez – company “circle blue’’ – goal- achieve zero waste
  • Goals for the entire Phoenix metropolitan area to achieve zero waste
  • Bureaucratic
  • “ there is no one size fits all solution.”


  • Page 64- Daniel struggles with tenants because they don’t want to put any effort into recycling and composting


  • “Wicked” sustainability problems are embedded in systems that exhibit complexity


Three definition

Of wicked problems


Section 2.1 Understanding Sustainability Problems

  • A wicked problem ( can’t be solved because of continuous change. It can never be entirely resolved.

=  ( traditional approaches refer to the scientific and technological advances that have solved many of society’s problems

Tame problem –  problems

Wicked problems – complex systems


Section 2.1.1  introduction to wicked problems

First mentioned in 1970 urban planning literature in a famous article by the University of California Berkeley, Professor Horst Rittel, and Melvin Webber. They describe ten characteristics of a wicked problem, but general characteristics are given here for simplicity.

Your question and definition of simple system/question

Me  Bike –

“ This is an important point because not all collections of random things are systems, such as rocks lying on sidewalks, because they are not interacting in a way that achieves some purpose that none can accomplish alone.”

You boundary, open / closed systems , thinking


“This is analogous to the need to view a bike as a whole system, rather than its individual components, when figuring out why the system as a whole will not move forward.”



  1. Vague problems definition
  1. Undefined solution
  1. No endpoint
  1. Irreversible
  1. Unique
  1. Urgent

Title: Wicked Problems and their Resolution

Author: Sonya Remington Doucettle

Source Date:2017-2013

Source type: textbook

Context ( what is important to note about the creator, when it was created, its audience, or its formats?)

The creator sees the wicked problems from many different perspectives, and there’s only sometimes a solution. What the government or people view as a solution is more challenging. The book was created a short time ago, begging for the information given to be relatively new compared to older books. The author’s format in chapter 2  breaks into different wicked problems that sociality and the world are struggling with and that there is no direct way to fix, but there is to better the situation.

Summary (What important Facts about the source’s content should we note for our discussion):

  • Human natural systems / human system (page 77)

 Human Systems                                            Natural System

-technology                                                      – Human- constructed

-social institution                                              – water

– knowledge                                                     – soil

– Norms                                                            – air

             -Populations                                                     – microorganisms

                                                                                     – vegetation

  • (page 76) socio ecological systems            
  • Complexity (page 75)
  • (page 73) one problem many different ways to solve but not all of it. One solution can lead to another problem related to the bigger problem.
  • Page 75) complexity what is it – well there is not exact way of defining it

– (the major reason that wicked problems are difficult to resolve is that they are embedded in socio ecological systems (SESs) exhibits complexity)

One of the most important facts is systems learning how everything has a process

  • What is the goal of sustainability ? is to simultaneously promote healthy ecosystems, human well being and viable economies.
  • 81 (closed systems and open systems

Analysis ( what should we take away to better understand our problems and its stakeholders?

It’s okay only sometimes to have a correct one-way answer to solving the problem. One problem in our world and society takes many parts and lots of support for people to take action and listen to understand. We, as people who are trying to solve problems, like holistic thinking, are essential tools for resolving sustainability.

Reflection 4

Guerrero A. Abril


Dr. Despain

29 September 24

                       Reflection 4

For reflection four, my audience is the young American men generation, which includes high school and college students. I chose this audience since they relate to my topic about immigrant children rising to the top compared to American children.

My audience is involved in social media and climate change, which has become essential for new voters. Young American people don’t know a lot about immigrants’ reality. Some do know a few things that they watch on the news or social media as they are getting ready to vote, and immigration is always something that the candidates speak about. They probably heard that immigrants are becoming a problem for the country but not that they are helping the economy or working harder than the American youth. They need to know that people their age who are children of immigrants are working harder than them, which is why they have a high rate of economic stability. They must also know and acknowledge what is true about immigrants and their reality. The best method to appeal to my audience is relating my topic to current events like the election and the information that they already know from the news and social media that is being thrown at their faces about immigration as they make up their mind about who they are going to vote for. My goal is to inform young Americans about the hard-working children of immigrants and the reality of their hard work paying off, raising them to the top and making them more successful financially compared to the American people, and how the United States makes them seem like the enemies that are invading their country instead of viewing them as people who want to live the American dream.

Reflection 3

Guerrero Alexandra


Dr. Despain

22 September 2024

Analyzing the Rhetoric of “Why So Many Children of Immigrants Rise to the Top” by Peter Coy.

In the article “Why so many children of immigrants rise to the top,” Petter Coy presents powerful ideas that people make accusations about immigrants. He talks to the American people about the economic differences between generations. He looks to inform and correct the American people about immigrants’ misadjustment and work ethics. So why are they succeeding more than native-borns?

Peter Coy shows credibility in his writing by citing other rescuers and writers from books that have backed up data. Prof. Ran Abramitzky and Prof. Leah Boustan reinforced their statements by finding data about immigration from years past. That information provided a comparison between immigrant children and United States-born children. The data clearly show that children of immigrants moved up the economic ladder and were able to be more financially stable. Peter also shows moving illustrations of stairs with two different groups of people: green represents children of immigrant men, and orange represents men born in the U.S. between 1978 and 1983.  By the time the children reach their mid-30s, they have overcome poverty. Peter gives a great example with percentages of the growth in economic classes. In the end, the children of immigrants were 15 %  rich, but on the other hand, the U.S.-born were 9% rich.

 In the article, Peter uses logical argument by dates from when the information was found to prove his point that even from very early in the 19s, immigrants have helped to grow the country and not overtake it like politicians make it look. He feels a solid sense to prove the accusations made by the American people are wrong and should be corrected.

 Finally, Peter Coy clarified that immigrants work harder to improve and climb the economic ladder than American-born children. He shows that the American dream is still alive today as it was in the past, and immigrants want to live the dream.

Reflection 2

Guerrero A. Abril


Dr. DeSpain

25 August 2024

Analyzing “Where We Are”  From The New York Times

While reading the photo essays, I was amazed by the different things and how pictures can express more than words. All the photos express similar elements; some were inspiration, communities, and generations. The images show life’s creativity through color, freedom, dreams, hopes, love, and life. As I analyze the photo essay, I hope to have a different approach to life and color through them.

The picture essay “My First Car” by Adali Schell demonstrates young people’s dreams, the fullness of life in them, and their connection with the people around them. The youth generation of today, in the article of the photo, expresses “escape monotony fear” from the mentally dark pandemic and isolation from 2020. At the same time, the color of the images shows joy, the freedom to experience something new for the first time and not alone.

The overall pictures and writing displace the new experience of driving freely and having a sense of freedom when driving for the first time by yourself. In one of the photos, it gets my attention to see people driving in a car and the hands of a girl with her hair moving from the window open, feeling let go of responsibilities and just happy driving in the sunset. In writing, Kerry said, “It doesn’t matter where you are”  and “It’s just the company.”

            In life, a new experience is always fun and scary at the same time, but it feels better when you’re not doing it alone. In the writing, you learn that words help express the images. The people in the young community show color, as Kerry says, “You realize you’re not alone.” It shows the creativity of young generations and how independence is not Amazon but Amazon when experiencing new things with friends and people. 

Finally, the photos craft the beginning of creativity and show the physical geography of traveling and independence. The creativity of the different types of car rides with friends on the journey of the unknown with the freedom to explore the city, sunrise, and landscape. It inspires a new perspective on life to explore new experiences.

Digital Project #2



The article “Why So Many Children of Immigrants Rise to the Top” by Peter Coy


 I chose “Why So Many Children of Immigrants Rise to the Top.”

  • My audience is the young American youth and the American people
  •  because immigrants are doing better than the young U.S. American generation; they rise to the top and are more likely to live economically stable lives.
  • Diverse immigrant families arrive in the U.S., showcasing their hopes and dreams.

Setting the Context –

  1. In the article “Why so many children of immigrants rise to the top.”

The author makes his point by discussing the country’s misunderstanding about immigrants.

From the beginning, immigrants have come to the U.S. for better operations, and the country has supported them. The immigrants come to live the American dream.

  1. As of the 2000s, most immigrants are from America. 

The stairs show that over time, children of immigrants overpass poverty.

Statement—Peter Coy’s statement in the article is that children of immigrants often succeed because of their mix of cultural values, exposure to situations, and values of their parents’ sacrifices. He gives supporting data.

Thesis—Peter Coy’s thesis is that children of immigrants often surpass goals and achievements, showing their success due to how their families raised them. He also argues that their parent’s hard work in providing for them allowed them to work hard and understand the sacrifices people made for them.

Ethos (credibility) –  he presents research data and references his sources.

Pathos (Emotional Appeal): He shares personal stories of some of the kids and families of immigrants to make the audience empathize with and understand the struggles they have overcome.

Logos (logical Appeal)- he gives facts from data with years and rational argument that supports his thesis, making the whole article convincing to understand why so many children of immigrants are surpassing children of U.S born parents.

 Supporting material

  • Cultural values
  • Sacrifice and struggles
  • Resilience and determination from immigrant families


Reflection 1

Guerrero, A. Abril 
Dr. DeSpain 
20 August 2024

Semester Goals Reflection 1 

In CODES 121,  my goals for the fall semester are to grow in the college life and learning environment with my peers in the program to build long-lasting skills. I plan to develop new skills in my everyday life to help me in my career and engage in my community and surroundings. 

 For my first goal, I want suitable supporting materials to give a clear central message and clarify my point through better communication. I will use my resources to have a better-supporting background and develop steps and plans for constructing a central message. I will also find reliable information in different areas of study to give out the right message. 

Secondly, I want to pursue more experience outside the classroom to gain knowledge beyond my school education. I intend to explore my new city and learn about my community inside and outside the university, whether talking to people in my town with recurring problems or visiting cities where the people or the community is being affected. In addition, I can acknowledge the new environment in which I am being exposed to view the problem to better understand it. 

Thirdly, I want to be able to devise different approaches to problem-solving, identify and evaluate problem-solving differently, and build lifelong skills. I desire to be more open about other opinions and points of view with my peers and classmates, evaluate problems with more than one solution, and talk to more individuals to be exposed to more ideas.

Fourthly, I want to be able to collaborate and communicate with my classmates while all working together. I want to not let anyone feel excluded but invite them to engage in our class group or collaborations. I would be more engaged in our group discussion and get to talk with every individual in our group to have better connections with everyone. I want everyone to feel included and engage in the activity, whether that be in class or outside of class. 

For my final goal, I can develop the skills to write skillfully and clearly while communicating through my writing using proper language and grammar. To improve my communication and writing skills, I will use my resources and tutoring to accomplish my goal. I will also take extra time to study on my own to be at a good college writing level. This will help me in future activities and develop faster skills. 

Finally, to end my semester goals, I hope to grow in all areas of my life and keep learning lifelong lessons that I can use in my education and future job while meeting my goals. Ultimately, I desire to gain the necessary skills to succeed as a student and future businesswoman. 

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