Dear Dr. DeSpain,

In my first year at SIUE, I am striving for an A in Code 121. These are the ways I plan on showing you how I have deserved my grade.

4a.) Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems (20%).

I have always had a fascination for hearing people’s pasts, futures, and hearing about what makes each human unique. Even though some of the issues that are discussed can be troubling, I will be able to have a background ahead of time so that I have a higher chance of collaborating with my other team members to have a deep discussion about the different topics, even if they are difficult to talk about. In reflections 9 and 10, to have a complete and well-rounded view of the novels written by Walter Johnson, Edward Soja, and Adrienne Marie Brown; I will be researching the backgrounds of these individuals to understand how and why they each wrote the pieces they did. With this new information that I will have obtained, during discussion, I will share my background information with the cohort and share those findings in my e-portfolio. I will come to class with a stronger and more thorough understanding on those we are speaking on. I am planning on showing my evidence for this by taking deep notes on the topic before class and being able to share that with my colleagues. Showing different formats of the ways of the culture or people, by interviews with these individuals.

5b.) Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources (30%).

 In my past, I have fallen into the cliché of clicking the first link when researching something, just out of the pure convenience. To overcome this, I will look through multiple websites and read multiple biases for structured and scholarly sources to be found.  In reflection #4, when either choosing a source or finding my own source, I will be able to clearly distinguish which sites are reliable enough to accept them as truth and effectively reflect on them. I will post my findings on my e-portfolio to compare what makes a source either credible or not credible. Overall, I plan on learning how to effectively rule out biased sources and learn new strategies for how to search for these sources.

8a.) Uses clear organizational patterns and is skillful at presenting content cohesively (15%).

I have always struggled with maintaining an interesting presentation because I tend to get nervous easily and my biggest issue when presenting is thatI cannot maintain eye contact with my audience. For example, in digital projects #2 and #3, I will be able to present those in ways that will show how I present my slides in a flowing order. I will show my progress by my presence during presenting, showing my flashcards used for presenting, my preparation before my presentation such as practicing.

11c.) Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers (20%).

Being able to read with the correct mindset and effectively grasping the overall theme can sometimes a difficult task. However, with the proper strategies like notetaking and annotating helps me to grasp concepts. I am one who loves to annotate when reading, so this learning outcome is just for me. I plan on showing this by displaying my reading annotations/questions that pop up in my mind while reading. I can implement this in other classes as well, which is extremely helpful for learning.

13c.) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency (15%).

When I write, I normally don’t write very cohesively or with much fluidity, so this is something I need to work on. Writing using words and actions that effectively encase the mood of the paper, and to write so that the words flow together, and all work together cohesively is my goal. Throughout the year, my writing will improve with feedback and further reflection, so I plan on showing my improvement throughout the semester. I prepare to show this by uploading my essays and writing assignments to show an improvement.


            Kadynce Sanders