Grading Portfolio (CODE 122)

Goal #1 (20%)

12.B: Facilitates collaborators; contributions by building upon their contributions and noticing when someone is not participating and inviting them to engage.

Although this was used for the class portfolio, I still feel that this is a great example of having others contribute toward our goal.

Goal #2 (20%)

8.B: Uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques.

I feel that this is a good example of having decent delivery techniques.

(For another example of delivery techniques, check out the video)

Goal #3 (10%)

7.C: Reviews prior learning inside and outside of the classroom to reveal significantly changed perspectives about educational and life experiences.

I feel that the video is how I have changed perspectives on MOBOT. At first, I thought that this was interesting, but after being in a specific area of the research, it has made me be more engaged.

Goal #4 (10%)

10.C: Uses quantitative information to support arguments and draw logical conclusions.

This video is a clear representation of having claims, supporting them with evidence, and then having conclusions based off of the evidence.

Goal #5 (40%)

12.C: Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines.

This document was a part of our group work for the project. I was tasked with observing the surveys and drawing conclusions from the results. Of course, I did this before the deadline or else this would not have went into this category.