Class Portfolio: CODE120

Template for a Class Portfolio


I have learned quite a lot this semester about both myself and the botanical gardens. I have definitely enjoyed talking as a class about things regarding ourselves and our personal lives. I definitely struggled with the MC’s. Having that much to write on was fine, it was just the constant repetition of my own words. I believe that I have done well with Goal 3. I definitely want to improve on all of the other goals, but specifically Goals 2 and 4.

Goal 1 (20%)

Develops clear, innovative central messages with significant supporting materials.

This is my first MC, talking about wicked problems. This really helped me to realize how much of a problem the botanical garden’s history is.

Goal 2 (20%)

Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency.

These are comments from my second MC. I feel that because of this positive feedback, I have worked toward my goal.

Goal 3 (10%)

Evaluates texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues.

This was an analysis of a podcast we had to listen to. This showed me that I am also able to evaluate sources even if they are only audio.

Goal 4 (10%)

Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources.

This is a list of all the references we have come up with as a class or that Dr. Jack assigned to us. This is a very helpful resource to have at hand.

Goal 5 (40%)

Systematically analyzes assumptions to develop logical plans to solve problems.

This is a list of questions we came up with before we went to the botanical gardens for the second time.
This is also from the Necessary Knowledge Document for Dr. Jack’s research team. As you can see, we come up with some ideas to try to implement.