Class Portfolio: CODE121

Template for a Class Portfolio


Some of the skills that I have learned over the course of just this one semester is honestly surprising. I have surprised myself with how much I am able to write and it still sound good. One of the most enjoyable assignments was the multimodal essay because it helped me realize how much I have grown. I struggle somewhat with the reflections even though they are easy. Sometimes something so easy can be so difficult. I feel that I have excelled the most in the “Goal 4” category. I definitley want to inprove in the “Goal 1” category. As of right now, I cannot do that, but I wish to be able to by the end of the year.

Goal 1 (20%)

Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a dicipline or a community of readers.

Although this assignment was required in class, it still helped me gauge my writing skills. I feel that just for a couple of minutes, there are a couple of good writing moments in this paper. Next time, I might not go into so much detail.

Goal 2 (20%)

Systematically analyzes assumptions to develop logical plans to solve problems.

This is a picture of my first draft of my contract for CODE 121. The yellow text box looking things are comments that were made on the contract. Because of these comments, I was able to think about different ways to implement the solutions recommended by Dr. Despain into my contract.

Goal 3 (10%)

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose.

I chose this picture because it shows how I realized what I do and what I should be doing.

Goal 4 (10%)

Develops clear, innovative central messages with significant supporting materials.

I chose this because I feel that my point was developed clearly throughout the paper.

Goal 5 (40%)

Works independently toward goals by contributig and meeting deadlines.

Both of these pictures show how I turned in work early. I tend to turn the work in the day before when it is actually due. Next time I will work on it more beforehand before turning it in.