Student Name: Hunter Cummins
Grade Contracted For: A_X_ ,B__, C__
What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop? | How will you learn the content/develop the skill? | What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills? |
(20%) Based on 4.B: I will use a knowledge of global systems to develop and advocate for informed appropriate action to solve complex problems | When we are talking about a problem at hand, I will do background research relating to that problem to see if any connections arise | Websites or things that I find pertaining to a problem that we have | I will add the website’s link and context behind why it is in the portfolio |
(10%) Based on 8.A: I will use organizational patterns that are clear, and be skillful at presenting content cohesively | When making presentations, I will have notecards to guide me through it, and if I do not have those, I will practice outside of class | Pictures of said notecards Maybe a video of the presentation | Based on how I talk during presentations and with others |
(20%) Based on 12.A: I will help collaboration move forward by articulating the merits of alternative ideas | I will acknowledge different ideas than my own, and see if they will go farther than the one that either me or my group came up with before | I will try to make a document about proposed ideas and have the group members contribute to it | If needed, I will show the document to who I am meeting with to show that I have made progress with it |
(10%) Based on 13.C: I will use language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency | This applies to presentations that will be done in the future, as well as papers that will be written | I will add my papers that I think have good clarity to the eportfolio | The papers that I write will hopefully have fluency within them |
(40%) Based on 12.C: I will work independently toward goals and meet deadlines accordingly | With the amount of classes that I have this semester, I will be having a lot to do, so I will try my hardest to get work done on time | I will show when my assignments were due, and when I turned them in | Since a part of getting an A in the class is meeting deadlines accordingly, this will be a major part of determining if I got an A. |