Contract: CODE 220

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
Based on (4) Global Learning
⦁ Engage in both readings and class discussions to learn about multiple worldviews, cultures and experiences
⦁ Prepare for class discussions on global issues
⦁ Choose 2-3 reflections that reflect my discussions on global issues
⦁ Research report – introduction to topic (rubric #2) will highlight significance
⦁ Research report – summary and reflections will reflect on issues (rubric # 6)
⦁ Attend and actively participate in at least 90% of class sessions
⦁ Complete weekly reflections on time and answer questions fully
⦁ Prepared for 90% of class sessions.
⦁ Perform “Excellent” work according to the research report rubric (rubric #2, #6)
Based on (5) Information Literacy
⦁ Collaborate with research group to develop a research question/ hypothesis
⦁ Analyze various sources of evidence for the research report
⦁ Work with SIUE resources to format references
⦁ Research report – research question (rubric #3)
⦁ Research report – literature review and analysis (rubric #4)
⦁ Research report – Reference page (rubric #7)
⦁ Annotated Bibliography
⦁ Perform “Excellent” work according to the research report rubric (rubric #3, #4, and #7)
⦁ Perform “Excellent” on the pre-assignments for the research report (e.g., annotated bibliography)
Based on (9) Problem-Solving Skills
⦁ Class lectures on course content to learn how to solve problems⦁ At least one unit exam that shows achievement in problem solving⦁ Achieve an average of 85% or higher on unit exams
Based on (10) Quantitative Literacy
⦁ Writing projects throughout the semester / reflections⦁ Choose 2 reflections that will show my quantative information⦁ Look at reflections andt the end of the semester.