Contract: CODE 221

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(20%) Based on 11.C: I am going to differentiate what skills and methods I should apply when reading different textsResearch possible things for the group project that would be beneficialReading the texts that I was needed to for the projectThe few slides of contribution that I am putting into the team
(20%) Based on 2.A: I will ask myself if the solutions that I have produced are beneficial and which ones would allow me to solve more with one solution rather than multipleGo through the different options that I could have done for the research teamReflectionsThe different types of implementations that could have existed in the presentation
(10%) Based on 13.A: An understanding of the content, the audience, and the purpose is conveyed through writingI will develop this over the time of the semester by knowing who I am presenting toPresentations
My reflections will show this and so will the presentation by me knowing who I am presenting/writing to.
(10%) Based on 8.C: I will be able to develop points over time and be able to support my points with supporting materialsI will develop this by my presentation voice and how I am able to lead it into the next pointPresentationsSome of the technical aspects that were relied on in the presentation
(40%) Based on 12.C: I am going to meet the deadline on time and be able to work by myself during this yearI will do the work on time and will try to get it in as soon as possibleTime deadlines and how they are met.Times of assignments being turned in