
The first half of the semester was truly unique, and I had to make some major adjustments, considering CODES 121 is not like a traditional class. Instead of being graded on tests and quizzes, you are graded based on the goals you set in your contract and what you can demonstrate to show that you reached those goals. One of the best experiences I had was working with Kaydence on our photo essay project. We explored the best places to socialize on campus and decided to focus on the MUC.

Managing my time has been and probably will always be a challenge for me. However, I believe I excelled the most in using appropriate and compelling delivery techniques, especially when creating my digital project 2. Going into the second half of the semester, I want to continue developing my strategies for approaching learning and creating new knowledge. I think the way we process new information and how we use it to create something new is key.

Goal 1: Takes risks in approaches to learning to create new knowledge. 25%


These two pictures represent the best places to socialize – the MUC and the library. While the library provides a quiet atmosphere and plenty of resources to study and complete assignments, the MUC provides an inviting environment for people to get together, collaborate, and make lasting connections.

This photo essay project allowed me to develop my social interaction skills by actually getting out there and talking to people. I was able to get a firsthand perspective on the atmosphere of both environments and compare the two. After careful consideration, I concluded that the MUC was the best place to socialize, as it provided a more inviting and friendly atmosphere than the library.

I’m proud of how the project turned out and wouldn’t change a thing. It was a great learning experience and a great way to hone my social interaction skills.

Goal 2: Explores a topic in-depth, yielding a rich awareness and/or little-known information indicating intense interest in the subject. 15%

To me, taking risks to learn means that I’ll look for new angles that I’m not used to, to attain knowledge. I’ll show this in my portfolio, with a timeline with different pictures that show my progress, what skills I have, and what skills I’ve obtained. I will include reflections about my experiences, group discussions, and digital projects.

The first photo is the timeline of the skills I had from the start of the semester to the midterm of the semester. I only had a few skills at the beginning but as the school year progressed, I acquired more and improved on my previous skills. This assignment helped me keep track and reflect on where I started and where I’ve come and eventually where I will be by the end of the semester. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are shots are from my reflection 5. They were taken when we visited the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and we were asked to take a picture of an artifact. The artifact that I took a picture of was documents of Henry Shaw’s will and purchases of land.

Goal 3: uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques. 25%

When it comes to writing, I love using sensory language to captivate my audience. But for speeches, I’m working on improving my delivery techniques to grab attention and make it super compelling. In my CODES class, I’ll showcase these techniques during my digital project 2, where I create a video analyzing the author’s use of rhetorical strategies.

The first picture is a small portion of the script I wrote for my digital project 2. There was a lot of information I wanted to include, and I felt making a script would organize and make the process of recording smoother. The 2nd and 3rd photos are screenshots of my edits in Adobe Premiere Pro. This assignment helped me grow my editing and video skills, If I had to do this project differently I would make sure to have a disk drive plugged in just in case Premiere Pro crashes and I lose all my progress.

Goal 4: Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers. 25%

In my CODES class, engaging in dialogues about our readings for our reflection is a top priority for me. To achieve that, I’ll make sure to fully grasp the material and stay focused on the topics at hand by taking notes and asking/answering questions

This is my reflection 11, and although this isn’t necessarily about our readings, it involves my group working closely together to really grasp and understand the topic for our digital map of the garden.

Working on the digital map of the garden project with my group was an incredible experience that helped me develop my communication and writing skills. To ensure the success of our project, we worked together to highlight our weaknesses and strengths, which allowed us to identify areas for improvement. This process helped us to become more aware of our individual learning styles and preferences, and to communicate more effectively with one another.

One of the key strategies we used to improve our communication was to set specific deadlines for completing our slides and checking in with each other to ensure that we were on pace. This helped to keep us organized and focused, and allowed us to address any issues or challenges that arose in a timely manner. Additionally, we made sure to actively listen to each other and to ask questions when we needed clarification, which helped to prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Throughout the project, we also made a conscious effort to be respectful and considerate of each other’s perspectives and ideas. We recognized that everyone brings their own unique strengths and experiences to the table, and we valued the diversity of perspectives and skills that our group brought to the project. This helped to create a positive and inclusive team dynamic, which was essential for our success.

One of the most important things I learned from this project was the importance of effective communication in a group setting. By being open, honest, and respectful in our communication, we were able to work together to create a comprehensive and well-designed digital map of the garden. This experience has taught me valuable skills that I can apply to future group projects and collaborations.

Goal 5: uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work. 10%

To show mastery, I’ll use compelling and relevant content to illustrate and analyze the author’s rhetorical appeals/strategies in my digital Project 2 presentation. 

These are a couple images used in the creation of my video for my Digital project 2.

Digital Project 2: Analyzing Rhetorical Devices and Appeals in Video Creation

In the process of creating my video for my Digital Project 2, I encountered a number of challenges that ultimately helped me develop my skills in video editing and researching. Initially, I had to carefully read the article and identify the rhetorical devices and appeals used by the author to persuade their audience. This required a deep understanding of how the author presented these devices and appeals to effectively convey their point.

This assignment not only honed my ability to analyze and understand persuasive techniques but also allowed me to experiment with new effects and transitions in video editing. Additionally, I ventured into creating an outro for the CODES YouTube channel, which was a new and exciting experience for me.

Reflecting on the process, if given another chance, I would make sure to complete the project before the deadline. Despite the challenges, this project has significantly contributed to my growth in both video creation and critical analysis.