
During the first half of the semester, I have been focused on enhancing my research and communication skills. I’ve particularly enjoyed group discussions and visits to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. However, I have faced challenges in meeting deadlines for assignments. I feel I have excelled the most in Goal 2 and Goal 5.

Goal 2 involved me actively engaging with teammates during the group discussion on “Reparative Justice” for the Missouri Botanical Gardens, displaying intense interest and a deep understanding of the topic. My team worked together to create a compelling solution and showcase our extensive awareness. This achievement demonstrates the growth in my communication and collaboration skills.

Goal 5 required me to showcase my mastery by creating captivating content for my multi-modal projects 1-3 and source analysis. I was also responsible for analyzing their work, making necessary revisions, and demonstrating their proficiency. This goal highlights my progress in writing and presenting skills.

Moving forward into my second half of the semester, I aim to further develop my communication, writing, collaboration, and presentation abilities. I am eager to continue growing and refining these skills.

Goal 1 (15%)

I will use critical and creative thinking to find solutions to different problems that may arise when working with my research team during the trip to MOBOT.

During our visit to the Missouri Botanical Gardens, I captured videos that provide a quick tour of the basement. This tour allowed me to identify several problems and potential solutions, which I then incorporated into my source analysis and multimodal 2. The visit to the Missouri Botanical Gardens provided valuable insights into potential areas for improvement and innovation. By identifying some problems and considering solutions during the tour of the basement, I was able to integrate these observations into my source analysis and multimodal 2, which contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of botanical garden management and design.

Goal 2 – 7 A (25%)

During our group discussion on “Reparative justice” for the Missouri Botanical Gardens, I’ll actively engage with my teammates, showing intense interest and a deep understanding. Together, we’ll create a compelling solution and showcase our rich awareness.

Above is a link to our Digital project showcase. This project helped me improve on my communication, writing, and presenting skills.

Goal 3- 8B (25%)

I will develop delivery techniques that involve me writing an essay or presenting a speech

In my Multimodal 2 project, I delved into the topic of “Reparative Justice” and its application to the situation at the Missouri Botanical Gardens (MOBOT). Through extensive research, I aimed to identify and emphasize the urgent problems faced by MOBOT, using my writing to bring attention to these issues. This assignment not only allowed me to explore the concept of reparative justice in depth but also provided an opportunity to enhance my writing skills.

Identifying Urgent Problems

During my research, I focused on identifying urgent problems faced by MOBOT that could benefit from a reparative justice framework. This involved examining issues such as environmental conservation, community engagement, and equitable access to resources within the context of the botanical garden. By highlighting these problems in my writing, I aimed to emphasis the importance of addressing them with a sense of urgency.

Learning and Improving Writing Skills

Throughout this project, I honed my writing skills by incorporating emphasis on key words and concepts related to reparative justice and MOBOT’s challenges. This process allowed me to develop a more persuasive and impactful writing style while effectively communicating the urgency of addressing critical issues. Additionally, delving into a complex topic like reparative justice provided valuable learning opportunities for refining my analytical and critical thinking abilities.

In conclusion, my Multimodal 2 project enabled me to deeply engage with the concept of reparative justice and its application to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Through extensive research and deliberate emphasis in my writing, I not only shed light on urgent problems but also proposed actionable solutions while enhancing my overall writing proficiency.

Goal 4 – 11 C (25%)

My goal is to engage in dialogues about our readings for our source analysis. To achieve this, I’ll make sure to fully grasp the material and stay focused on the topics at hand by taking notes and asking/answering questions.

Feedback on Source Analysis 2 Submission

The first two images above display the feedback I received from my professor regarding my submission of source analysis 2. The third image is a Word document containing my revised source analysis 2.

Engaging in assignments such as source analysis 2 has significantly contributed to my ability to analyze sources more effectively. By delving into the intricacies of an article and extracting pertinent details rapidly, I have developed a proficiency in critically evaluating source materials.

In conclusion, the feedback received from my professor regarding the submission of source analysis 2 has been invaluable in guiding me towards refining my analytical skills. The revised source analysis 2 document reflects my commitment to incorporating constructive feedback and continually improving my ability to analyze and interpret source materials effectively.

Goal 5 – 13 B (10 %)

To showcase my mastery, I’ll create captivating content for my multi-modal projects 1-3 and source analysis, and carefully analyze and make necessary revisions.

The two images provided depict the feedback I received from my professor regarding my Multimodal 1 project. I have successfully implemented the feedback into my current Mc #1, which can be found on my e-portfolio under CODES 120. This particular project serves as a representation of my learning and showcases my ability to process feedback and apply it to make necessary changes.

Undoubtedly, this project presented its challenges, particularly when it came to identifying the wicked problems outlined in the book and determining if the MOBOT problem falls into any of the six categories.

In summary, the feedback received has been instrumental in shaping and improving my project, highlighting my capacity for growth and adaptation in response to constructive criticism.