Template for a Class Portfolio


Hello! Its Justin! This is my Class Portfolio for my Code-121 Class! One thing I feel I have excelled at is learning how to communicate my words and coordinate projects and learning how to take the lead. One thing I feel I have struggled with so far is collecting evidence for my portfolio. But I truly hope i have done a good enough job to recive the effort grade I desire!

Goal 1 (30%)

Learning how to speak clearly

One way I feel I was able to learn how to speak clearly is through my Digital Project #2, Rhetorical Analysis!

In it, I discussed how heirlooms play a massive part in telling a story of a family tree, and how the author used photos to get their message across. I also discussed the rhetorical appeals and fallacies in the article.


One way I feel as though I was able to meet this goal is through my Digital Project #3: Collaborative Countermapping!

I presented the project to my class even though I was and still am terrified of presenting, and I like to believe that people liked it anyway despite my fear!

Goal 2 (10%)

Finding multiple solutions to a problem

I feel as though I found multiple solutions to said problems through my second reflection, where the problem in the article I read is a lack of representation in areas that a certain group almost completely dominates, and I delved in how the article found solutions to this problem, by making a safe space to make minority communities feel less isolated.


Unfortunately, while sifting through all my past assignments, I was unable to find anything particularly gripping regarding this topic, I apologize for this and will use this as a reference for what not to do.

Goal 3 (20%)

Use Organizational patterns to display content

I feel that the use of organizational patterns can be seen in my other reflections, I separate them via grouping them into sections and the starting sentences let the reader know what section they are reading, The Intro, the Main Topic sentences, and the Conclusions.


I feel I achieved this goal simply by expanding on my past evidence, I created different parts of my essays, but now I have color-coded them!

Goal 4 (20%)

Using compelling and appropriate delivery techniques

It can be shown that I achieved this goal through my current digital projects and, hopefully, through my final digital project! In my first digital project, I used the theme of time ever flowing despite my hardships, and you could see how I evolved and adapted, which I feel could capture a reader.


As previously mentioned, through my Final Digital Project, I feel I was able to use delivery techniques to explain the facilities related to the Mississippi River and their effects



Goal 5 (20%)

Constructing problem statements with evidence of relevant factors

I feel that I have achieved this goal through all of my past essays in this class showing that I understand real-world problems that are relevant and delve into them through the use of papers and analysis, such as in my DP#1, where my mental health issues at the time were very commonplace back then, and are still a very much real problem to this day.


This can again be seen in all my previous essays and Digital projects, with a Special Emphasis on DP#3 and how it brought attention to how small things things that most people never think about actually play a huge part in our lives and our ecosystem.