
This semester was very rough for me, due to the worst start possible. After losing my mom two weeks into the semester, I never really recovered from it. The first half of the semester I had zero motivation to do anything and homework was just piling up. I never did finish all of it. I did eventually bring myself to a point where I no longer felt like I was drowning.

The second half of this semester was much better for me, I had decently caught myself up in most of my classes and was actually making deadlines for assignments. Overall I do feel like this semester was doomed from the start and it is not an accurate representation of me as a student.

Goal 1 – 13c – Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency – 25%

Below are a few examples of writing assignments. I do believe that my writing has improved as the school year progressed.

Goal 2 – 8a – Uses clear organizational patterns and is skillful at presenting content cohesively – 15%

There are only two times I can think of presenting this semester and both were pretty informal. However both times I presented anything, it was in front of MOBOT staff. Below is my final video project for research team, and an image from when we presented our survey questions to the staff.

Kadynce, Evitt, Kasey, and I presenting our survey questions.

Goal 3 – 10a – Skillfully represents quantitative data – 15%

Below is a visualization created from my research team’s survey. We used this to help us with our final lab write-ups as well as to help us create the focus group interview questions. Even though there were 7 responses total, this did help us get a grasp of what the staff thought of MOBOT’s priority of Indigenous knowledge.

Goal 4 – 13a – Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose – 20%

Two examples of when I feel like I demonstrated this was our surveys and our final video. Both of these included small presentations with staff at Missouri Botanical Garden. We created the surveys for the staff themselves so we had to make sure they were perfect and would make sense for them. The final video project was also made knowing that the MOBOT staff would be the audience of the video.

This is the hyperlink to the survey

Goal 5 – 2c – Transforms ideas through synthesizing knowledge from multiple domains – 25%

Below is a transcription of one of my focus group interviews and my survey. I came to both of these a lot to help with my final lab write up for research team, as well as my research team small group’s final video.

This hyper link is to the survey