Midterms… dun dun dun… turns out are a lot more stressful the second time around. This second semester at SIUE has led to learn a lot about myself. I love to procrastinate to the very last minute. I am not as locked in as I was the first semester. I am just now coming off of the high of “wow I’m moved out and I’m becoming an adult” and now am at the point where there is a more somber tone to that same phrase that I once said with so much enthusiasm.

Within CODE123, this class has allowed me to try so many eye opening methods when it comes to gathering data and paying attention to the people. Comparing the effects of both qualitative and quantitative data and seeing how numbers vs. words affects how society views these differences.


Now that the spring semester has come to a close let’s review all that has been accomplished this semester. Okay, not gonna lie, this semester hit me like a train… like the biggest train that could ever be. Now that I am done with my first year of college… wow that’s weird to say, I feel like a new person, not an adult. Definitely not that, I’m still such a homebody. But, I am so forever grateful for all the new people I have met in the nine months I have been at SIUE. The CODES program has been everything that I expected it to not be. By that I simply mean that when I first came here, I was obviously excited to get my tuition paid for, but I never knew how much of an impact that our team would be able to make on such a seemingly luxurious place like the Missouri Botanical Gardens. I can’t wait to see what can be implemented in our further research from all of the research methods we have learned in this course.

Goal 1 (15%)

3c.) Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications (15%).

These notes I took on my iPad to prepare for lecture and I deeply annotated parts of the readings I found important. I also highlighted the most important aspects of the readings.

Goal 2 (15%)

5b.) Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources.

Within all four of these writing assignments, I had to fully understand the outlines and expectations for the assignment itself before writing and submitting these pieces of work.

Goal 3 (10%)

10a.) Skillfully represents quantitative information.

When preparing for the interviews, we had to analyze our quantitative data in a way that would provide fitting interview questions.

This graph shows a quantitative analysis from one of the questions on our survey. The question from this quantitative data was “Where would you rank the priority of including Indigenous knowledge within the Garden?” This question played different in the focus groups because there were a lot of pondering this and then asking follow-up questions. Since there was confusion during the in person interviews, I can only imagine how confusing the survey takers must have felt when they saw this question. However, the answers ranged from 3-8 and with this information we were able to form deeper questions to grab insight.

Goal 4 (40%)

12c.) Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines.

My evidence for this is that my assignments have been turned in on time.

Goal 5 (20%)

13c.) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency.

All of my reflections and also my final project are below. My writing skills have continued to improve whether that is my grammar or fluency. But I truly believe that my writing throughout the semester has improved.