This semester has been pretty enjoyable and stress free for this class so far. We are still in the beginning stages of creating our project for Missouri Botanical Gardens. My group, which consists of Kasey, Kadynce, Evitt, and myself, get along and work very well together. Our project is going to be an Indigenous Knowledge based tour/scavenger hunt.
Now that the semester is coming to a close, I must say it felt really fast. My project has really come along with Kasey, Evitt, and Kadynce. I am very happy to be in a group with them, we all get along very well. Our tour has gone through a few changes, one of which being that we are going to take the current Native Plants Tour and update it and make it our own.
Goal 1 (20%)
Works independently towards goals by contributing and meeting deadlines.
This is a goal that I feel like I very much kept up with this semester. Since most of our assignments were with our group it definitely motivated me to stay on time and get my stuff done early if not just on time. I do believe that all of my reflections except maybe one which I turned in during class were on time. Evidence for this goal may be hard to find, but I am pretty sure that I turned everything in on time.
Goal 2 (20%)
Takes risks in assignments and in approaches to create new knowledge.
This is a goal that I feel like was demonstrated most during our visits to the Gardens. When we talked with Sean and Ashley about our projects trying to figure out what exactly we can and cannot do. This is when we got most of our questions out and ultimately got on track for what exactly we were doing for our project. For evidence I am putting a picture of us talking with Ashley and our Dear Sean Letter.

Goal 3 (20%)
Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.
This is a goal that was definitely demonstrated in more of our written assignments, like our reflections and a few of our group assignments. This is something I have displayed slightly in reflections so far, so I will put a few as evidence. I would also say our final presentation, since we finalized all of the planning we have been doing for the semester into a presentation.
The link is to our presentation.
Goal 4 (20%)
Responsibly integrates research and demonstrates full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on information use.
This goal I feel like was not represented as much this semester but maybe a few times. This semester was mostly just planning and planning for what we are going to build next semester, so we haven’t done too much research. But part of our dear Sean Letter applies since I was responsible for looking at the ethical considerations. I would also say that my research project for Dr. Aranda’s class would be good evidence since my topic (How to keep people engaged at MOBOT) was picked to help our project for this class, so that we make something that is actually engaged with and not overlooked. So for Evidence I will also put my presentation for that research essay.

Goal 5 (20%)
Uses deep knowledge of global systems to develop and advocate for informed, appropriate action to solve complex problems.
This is a goal that I feel like was demonstrated mostly with our group assignments, specifically our final presentation and maybe our Dear Sean Letters. Since both of those assignments are based on us trying to tackle the problem of Indigenous Knowledge lacking at the Missouri Botanical Gardens.
Below is the link to our final presentation and our Dear Sean letter document.