
This semester has been pretty enjoyable and stress free for this class so far. We are still in the beginning stages of creating our project for Missouri Botanical Gardens. My group, which consists of Kasey, Kadynce, Evitt, and myself, get along and work very well together. Our project is going to be an Indigenous Knowledge based tour/scavenger hunt.

Goal 1 (20%)

Works independently towards goals by contributing and meeting deadlines.


So far, this is a goal that I have been achieving this semester. We haven’t had many assignments this semester yet, but a lot of them have been group assignments, which keep me motivated. When I know other people are relying on me to succeed, it really keeps me going and pushes me to complete the assignment early if not on time.

Goal 2 (20%)

Takes risks in assignments and in approaches to create new knowledge.


I am not sure I have had displayed this goal yet, we are still in the beginning stages of our big project, so there hasn’t been much time to take risks yet.

Goal 3 (20%)

Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole work.


This is something I have displayed slightly in our two reflections so far, but we haven’t had much writing assignments yet. I am not sure if reflections would even count, due to the fact that they are based on my thoughts of how things are going.

Goal 4 (20%)

Responsibly integrates research and demonstrates full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on information use.


Once again, this is a goal that I feel like I have not demonstrated much yet. I can really only think of our Dear Sean Letters, due to the fact that I had the section based on ethical considerations. I wrote about what we would take into account when we start creating our Indigenous plant tour.

Goal 5 (20%)

Uses deep knowledge of global systems to develop and advocate for informed, appropriate action to solve complex problems. 


As of right now, I think that the Dear Sean letter as a whole, is the only evidence I can add for this goal. Kasey, Kadynce, Evitt, and I wrote the letter to discuss our plans for our project to tackle to problem of Indigenous knowledge lacking at Missouri Botanical Gardens.